Hearing Voices
How many voices a day do you listen to? I guess that would depend on who you live with, or work with, go to school with, or serve in ministry with. It would depend on who your neighbors are and whether or not you converse with them. Perhaps you have a co-dependent dog who doesn’t know he’s a dog (that would be our almost blind #MoDawg). If you do have a dog, you tend to listen to their barks, whines, or growls as they try to talk to you. The last 2 week’s posts, He Speaks and I Listen and When It Just Won’t End, would be a great place…
When It Just Won’t End!
What else? How long? Have you asked that once or twice in the last couple of years, the last couple of weeks, as I have? Jut about the time things seem to be healing or changing, a variant COVID pops up. Then world events just take our breath away. Add to that personal crises, several friends who are in a health fight for their lives, on and on. Seriously? What’s next?…I guess the same thing that I wrote about so recently in He Speaks, before the last couple of “issues” mentioned above popped up. So this is how that morning a couple of days ago played out as I did…
Hard Family Convos
Recently I was asked to write a post for LifeWay on a subject that I don’t think I’ve really done very well with: Navigating Theological Differences With Your Adult Children. I’ve needed more grace at times for sure, and maybe even more truth at others. So, I polled a group of moms, friends and colleagues to get their insight as well. This post is the result. I pray you will read Navigating Theological Differences With Your Adult Children prayerfully asking God how you are to approach your adult loved ones in a way that draws them to the Truth of Jesus! Thank you for all who submitted ideas to help…
God’s Timing
In a daily Scripture writing plan my life group has been challenged to do together, I recently wrote out Galatians 6:7-10. Verses 9-10 were definitely what I needed to hear that day: “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith.“ Anyone else tired of waiting on God? Anyone ready to give up praying for a long time unanswered prayer need? Anyone exhausted from trying to pray for and carry each other’s burdens? I understand.…
Are You In-Between?
Right now, we are in-between two winter storms…just waiting to see what comes next. We’ve not had a storm like this in years. And, are we surprised? Kind of just the next issue to face in year 2020-2021! So far, we’ve not lost power as we continue to be covered not with snow, but ice! But will this second wave of snow and ice change that? Kind of like being in limbo and waiting for this next storm. Has this past year made you feel a bit like you are in limbo in lots of ways? You aren’t where you used to be in pre-pandemic days, but not where you…
Sneaky Snakes
I don’t like snakes. Not any kind. Doesn’t matter if they are poisonous or not. To me a snake is a snake! And I certainly DO NOT want one in my house. When our girls were just babies and my husband Pat was a Texas state trooper, I was home one night, with him on the interstate 20 miles away (and NO cell phones). The girls were in bed. When I walked into the den, I saw a small worm-like varmint crawl under a chair. My next thought was, “Worms crawl differently than what I saw. That was a snake!” Hysterical (and in my nightie), I climbed on my desk…
The Enemy is Alive and Well…But Defeated!
Even though I am continually aware of the influence of the enemy, along with his temptations, in our world today and I even understand that this is expected, more so as Christ’s return draws nearer…but once in a while, I’ve just had enough! After one evening’s disturbing end that included a crisis, my wakeful night included anger at the enemy…again…and continual prayers for his demise! He’s just so mean and my loathing for him just gets stronger each time I see him at work! The next morning, the Lord, reminded me…again…the devil’s work is temporary and his eternal demise will come one day. It hasn’t been long since I finished…
Good News on Social Media
I began a social media journey while serving at LifeWay as Women’s Ministry Specialist. Not because I wanted to, but because I HAD to! When I first arrived at this new position in 1994, email was the biggest thing I had to figure out. After 22+ years, technology had progressed in BIG ways! Since my generation wasn’t raised on the technology of today, it was a continual process of learning…often from younger people I worked with! And, it still is today. After retirement, I have continued using social media, sometimes to stay connected and know what my friends and family are up to. Other times it’s to serve the Lord…
Behind the Clouds
Years ago I was captivated by how God got my attention one morning as I drove to work in downtown Nashville. Reading Adore by Sara Hagerty I was brought back to that morning as she shared her own cloud story that led her to “adore”. No doubt I’ve written about this experience somewhere in the past, but I couldn’t help but relive, and write about, that morning again after Sara’s reminder! It was such a tough season for many reasons: my mom’s declining mental abilities, heavy work and travel load, family crises all piled up. This was also the week of our annual LifeWay Women’s Leadership Forum, our largest training…
Why Read the Bible?
Why read the Bible? Primarily, because it’s TRUE! Fully and completely true because it’s God’s Word to the world and to us personally. It’s also how we know God and His redemptive purpose throughout history and forever. And it teaches us how to live. At times, it’s confusing. Other times it’s surprising. It’s convicting. At times, I want to put it down so I do not have to live up to what I read. But when I choose to read, allow it convict me and change me, I am always joy-filled (and so are those around me!), even when it’s hard and I blow it again in an hour! We…