
  • Sun and Clouds Together

    I love all beach sunrises, even gray days, because…well, we’re at the beach. But my absolute favorite is a combination of sunshine AND clouds.There’s just nothing quite like the beauty of seeing the colors as sunshine peeks through the clouds.

    Only a creator God can design this kind of beauty. 

    As I watched these views, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the beauty that comes through the sunny joy filled days AND the gray seasons of life as well. 

    Romans 5:3-5 reminds us that … we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

    Afflictions develop our strength, faith, and character as we trust God to work in and through each one. I know, without a doubt, that I would not know or trust Jesus like to do, if I had not experienced each difficult season. Although I never look forward to the next crisis, I know the Lord will walk with me and take me deeper in my relationship with Him. 

    The Romans 5 passage tells us that He even offers joy in the midst of our pain: “we rejoice in our afflictions”. Maybe not in the middle of the crisis, but when we see what God does with our pain and how He walks with us through it, faithfully guiding and comforting us, we CAN rejoice.

    In Elizabeth Woodson’s book, Embrace Your Life, she quotes Tony Evans.

    Faith is acting like it is so even when it is not so in order that it might be so because God said so. Tony Evans

    What crisis are you currently experiencing? Can you let Him carry you through it knowing He will be glorified? Can you ask Him to show you more of Himself and teach you new things? Can you trust Him to bring purpose in this situation?

    Clear skies are gorgeous, but skies with sun and clouds offer an even more beautiful glory. 

Chris Adams is a wife, mom, and Mimi who loves Jesus. She is an  inspirational speaker for women who focuses on biblically centered teaching. She loves to share how we can walk in faith no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. God wants us to continue to grow as disciples as long as we have breath and He wants us to overflow Christ’s love to those around us. Chris will share with you how “an imperfect woman in God’s perfect plan” can thrive and influence others for Him.

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