
Digging Deeper
Are you a do-er, or a be-er in Christ? There must be balance between growing and doing if we are to grow in Him and serve in His kingdom. Learn how to become the woman God created you to be, to thrive in Him, and to serve Him faithfully. One who continues to grow deeper in her walk with Jesus day by day as long as she has breath!
Finding Your Heart’s Passion
Do we serve out of our church’s need for ministry, or because “no one else will do it” and we feel guilty enough to say yes? Or, are we discovering how God has gifted and called us to serve in His kingdom. Every Christian woman has a place to grow and serve. Let’s discover the passion God has placed in our hearts to know Him and make Him known to others. When we are passionate to serve Christ, we risk it all for Him!
The Future of Women’s Ministry
What are you hearing about it? Will it still be around in a few years? If so, what will it look like? What does Scripture say? What do leaders say? Join this workshop to discuss these important and timely issues. Learn practical ways to insure that ministry to and with women continues amidst changing times and needs. We must navigate today in a way that connects ministry through the ages and all generations of women.
Generations…The Unbroken Chain: Ministry Through the Ages (Can be three part retreat)
How do we connect all ages of women for spiritual growth and ministry? Join this session as we discover together ways to reach and connect each generation from preteen girls to senior women. You will hear unique traits of the different generations and learn practical ways to connect all ages of women for spiritual growth and ministry.
Frazzled to Focussed
It’s critical for us to prioritize pouring our ministry, relating to friends, time alone with God, developing professional lives, and spending time with family. How do we do it all? Actually, we don’t and God doesn’t expect us to “do it all”, but He does expect us to do what He calls us to do. It takes intentionality to move from being frazzled to being focused. Stress, and even burnout, is just around the corner if we don’t hear from God how to prioritize from His perspective. Gain fresh insight that will help you regain your focus.
A Journey of Faith
In this personal testimony of God’s faithfulness I share real life struggles and real faithfulness of God. Facing issues of financial struggles, illnesses and death of parents, and daily struggles seem mild when compared to having a loved one walk out of your life for years. But God’s faithfulness has truly been the strength and joy of my life as He has led to peace not in spite of, but in some ways because of the journey God has allowed and privileged me to walk.
Leadership Lessons From Joshua
Why can’t leadership be a piece of cake? Shouldn’t serving God be a clear and direct path to success? Let’s see what we can learn from the life of Joshua as we see him take the helm of ministry and face leadership with courage, obedience and remembrance.
Leading Well: Life Lessons for Leading Well
Often we rush to training or resources to help us learn skills for building ministry or become more effective leaders. However, our own spiritual walks—our development as disciples of Christ—are more important than any skill we learn. We must want Christ more than we want any ministry position, answer to a need, or relationship with any other person. Learn how growing more like Christ leads to passion and purpose in ministry.
Leaving a Legacy of Faith
As women we have an incredible privilege to walk with Christ and to share him with other women. No matter what age we are, the next generation of women depends on us to pass down our heritage of faith and ministry in His kingdom. There are so many needs in our world today, and women CAN make a difference.
Making the Most of My Days (Can be a Women’s Ministry Kick Off Message)
Do you know what your year ahead holds? Really, only God knows that. But He does want each of us to spend our time wisely, doing only the “best” things that He asks us to do. What will that be and how will you know?
Ministering to Women in Crisis
All of us know women who are hurting. God has hope for them. We are His chosen vessels to show His tender care and concern for the hurting. We have all searched for the right words to say. During this session, we will look at how to respond to hurting women. We will discover that it is okay to not have all the answers. And we will look at some practical things we can do to help.
Mirror Images: Reflections of Christ
Galatians 2:20 indicates that “it is no long I who lives, but Christ who lives in me”. Are we truly reflecting Him in our daily lives or are we reflecting the world we live in. Where are we today as women? Where are we called to be? Are we reflections of the Christ who loves us and saved us? We will take a look at how we can get to where Christ wants to be in our spiritual walk and how to stay there as women of faith and integrity.
The Moses Complex: Here am I, Send Aaron
Do you think you can’t do what God has asked and called you to do? Are you afraid you don’t have what it takes to lead the assignment He has given you? You are not alone. Let’s learn from Scripture how God leads us to move into uncharted territory to walk with Him in ministry.
Pursuing Holiness as a Godly Leader
“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy’ (1 Peter 1:15). Do you know how to pursue holiness in the perverse world in which we live? What is God’s part in this pursuit? And what is your responsibility? We will take a realistic look at our world by diving into the pursuit of holiness and how we can model a holy life to the women in our churches. A time of reflection and direction will conclude our time together.
Seasons of Ministry (or Leadership)
No matter our age, we are called to serve and lead. Each stage of life will look different due to our circumstances and responsibilities. We serve most effectively when we understand the dynamics of beginning, middle and maturing ministry. An even in each of these stages of life, we will experience all three levels of leadership and ministry. This workshop walks you through these sweet seasons of leadership and shows you how each season is unique and exciting.
Transformation Through Trials
Sometimes life just gets hard! Sometimes that’s the “norm” for many of us. How do we keep on following the Master faithfully when we seem to be continually hitting roadblocks and facing spiritual warfare? Scripture is essential, but so are practical ideas and disciplines to get us through those difficult times in life.
Women’s Ministry Basics
Do you have a heart to disciple other women? Do you have a responsibility to reach the women in your sphere of influence? Scripture mandates that we are to touch the lives of others as we mentor, witness and teach. God is working mightily among women today. Are you ready to join Him? We will discuss how women’s ministry can reach and disciple women for Christ, as well as benefit the body of local believers. We will also discuss the steps to planning for well-balanced ministry by using Bible study, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, worship, evangelism, and missions. If you are just starting or revamping your ministry, this class is for you!
You Make Me Brave (can be 2-3 part series)
What is keeping you from going deeper in your spiritual journey? Do you fear your abilities, rejection, the future? The enemy wants us to be paralyzed in our fears and weakness but in Christ we are able to follow Him anywhere and do anything He asks. Learn how to trust His power and obey His call no matter what.
SIMPLY SERVING JESUS (3 part series or single topics):
Sometimes we think serving Jesus is hard to figure out. We will explore how getting to know Him, shows us who we are and what we were created and called to be for Him. This is a 4 part series but can be adapted to your specific needs:
- Discovering How to Serve
- Finding Your Passion
- Fighting Through Your Fears
- Leaving a Lasting Legacy
EMBRACE THE JOURNEY (4 part series or single topics):
There is a big difference between enduring the journey God has us on and embracing it. It God has allowed the journey to look like it does, then how do we learn to trust Christ in the midst of the twists and turns? We must embrace His attributes to embrace His journey for us. This is a four part series that can be adapted to your needs depending on number of sessions planned. Here are the attributes covered in each of 4 sessions:
- Embrace God’s Love
- Embrace God’s Forgiveness
- Embrace God’s Holiness
- Embrace God’s Faithfulness
RELEASE FOR LIFE (3 part series or single topics):
- Release the Passion
Do we serve out of our church’s need for ministry, or because “no one else will do it” and we feel guilty enough to say yes? Or, are we discovering how God has gifted and called us to serve in His kingdom. Every Christian woman has a place to grow and serve. Let’s discover the passion God has placed in our hearts to know Him and make Him known to others.
- Release the Circumstance
What is it that is keeping you from daily living a life of victory in Christ. Perhaps it’s a temptation, a weakness, a sin, or a trial you are experiencing. Do you know that God wants you to release it to Him so HE can work it out for your good? Let it go, and find victory that shines through your life into the world around us.
- Release for Life
How do we really give it up…our goals, purpose, dreams? How do we keep surrendering when it gets hard, when there is no visible recognition for what we do? Let’s discover how to have “staying power” so that we may finish the race in total surrender to Christ in all areas of our life.
PERSEVERANCE (3 part Series, or single topics):
- Perseverance Through Trial
Sometimes life just gets hard! Sometimes that’s the “norm” for many of us. How do we keep on following the Master faithfully when we seem to be continually hitting roadblocks and facing spiritual warfare? Scripture is essential, but so are practical ideas and disciplines to get us through those difficult times in life.
- Perseverance Through Tasks
God give us certain assignments each day. Some are big and others just the normal tasks of life. At times it gets hard to continue doing the things He’s called and qualified us to do. We will learn how to reassess our “call” periodically and seek His confirmation or redirection so we can follow obediently.
- Perseverance Through Transition
Our lives involve one change after the other. It seems we don’t have time to get used to “life the way it is” before it begins to change. How can we deal with all the transitions we must on a daily basis, especially when it pertains to ministry? God changes the times and seasons (Dan. 2:20-20) but He Himself and His Word do not change (James 1:17, Matt. 24:35). We must hold on to Him as He leads us through a life filled with expected and unexpected changes both personally and a servant entrusted with God’s assignment.