What I Fear
What are your greatest fears? It’s not often I’ve feared for my life but several memories remind me I’ve had a few.
Traveling home from Belize with one of my 10 year old twins as we flew through a terrible storm was terrifying. I was not sure we would make it safely back to Houston.
Once in a hotel while traveling for work, someone tried to enter my room. Coming out of a dead sleep I instinctively screamed at the top of my lungs, “Get out!”
Last December, there was this ride…and I love big, fast rides. Not this one! For the first time I got off vowing “Never, ever, ever again!”
Life threats are scary, but God promises never to leave His followers. We see the phrase “be strong and courageous” several times in Deuteronomy and Joshua, as well as other places in scripture.
Moses commissions Joshua with these words to lead Israel into the Promised Land. God says the same thing to all Israel because they would face giant warriors as they obeyed God’s instructions.
Following God takes courage. At times, He asks us to do things that we fear or that require more than our abilities can accomplish.
We can walk boldly in obedience because of the same reason Israel could: “The LORD is the one who will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:7).
Most of my fears are similar to those God asks you to face: trusting your lost loved ones to the Lord; taking that job you do not feel equipped to handle; serving in a new ministry position.
Life is hard and scary at times. But the assurance that Jesus walks with us is a solid foundation that allows us to face fear with courage and strength.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash
Lord, help me to walk boldly in obedience, no matter how big the giant is you tell me to face.
First published on Encouraging.com. What I Fear