Thanksgiving Blessings
Next week I’ll conclude my two part post that began last week: Spiritual Game Changers Part 1. This week I just want to say how grateful I am that you read my musings as I process what God is teaching me and share some thanksgiving encouragement.
Three things for finding gratitude:
1 This is a fabulous podcast to prepare your heart for this holiday of thanksgiving from LifeWay Women Marked: Finding the Courage to Celebrate.
2 This is an article I wrote for LifeWay Women recently and am sharing here again. Unpacking Gratitude in Scripture.
3 And this is a Bible study my life group just completed in preparation for Thanksgiving: Grateful.

I pray that no matter what you are facing this week, you will feel the love of Jesus, His presence, peace, comfort, strength and love. May you find things to be grateful for every day this week and following Thanksgiving Day, no matter what comes your way. If nothing else, we have eternity if we know Christ. We can be thankful or that in every single season of life.

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