• Blessings,  Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth

    Vessels of Christ

    What is your favorite way to minister to others? What have you seen Jesus do through you as you obediently serve Him? Are you serving as God’s vessel daily? Because God is sovereign and omnipotent He does not need any help to get His work done. He chooses to use His followers so we can shine His light in the world and experience the blessing that serving Christ brings to us and to those we serve on earth. My ministry friend Kay led worship at many of our You Lead training events for LifeWay Women where I had the joy of serving for over 22 years. She also led in an…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth,  Test

    A Passion for the Impossible

    Sometimes I find myself in a comfortable place, not looking for a new thing, or a challenge that would move me out of that rut. After a while, I become comfortable with with my rut to the point of feeling stagnant. Then I find myself seeking a challenge to show me new steps to take, or new things to learn.  Perhaps that’s where the disciples were as they were going out to share the Gospel, heal the sick, and perform miracles in the name of Jesus. When they failed to drive out a demon from a possessed boy, they asked Jesus why. His response was: “Because of your little faith,” he…

  • Blessings,  Favorite Quotes,  Spiritual Growth

    That One Prayer

    At work once, before I retired from LifeWay in 2017, our team was in a very stressful season. We were all struggling to get our work done by deadlines and many of us also struggled with issues outside of work. Can you relate? I was blessed to have a group of women who serve across the country in churches and organizations who were my prayer warriors then, and still are today! One day during the difficult work situation, I received a prayer from one of these prayer warriors. This was her prayer: In moments of being pushed and pulled, take a deep breath and say, LORD Jesus (from your lips),…

  • Great Blogs,  Leadership Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    Yes, More Great Blogs!

    As you know, if you have read my posts before, I love to share what I’m reading that I have found helpful. Today I share several I believe you will find helpful. (By the way, this banner photo reminds me, warmer weather will come! I am seeking to be grateful for the cold weather and dead looking trees during this winter, but I always look forward to the spring days when I see new leaves beginning to break out onto those trees again!) 1 I love reading about leadership and one of my fav bloggers is Carey Nieuwhof, so I am sharing a great post he write that I believe…

  • General,  Generations,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  What I'm Reading

    In the Aftermath

    I have loved serving Jesus over the years in the area of women’s ministry. There have been both highs and lows throughout the journey. Often, when I have been on a mountaintop experience or event, not long after (or even during!), there has been a huge valley to walk through. When I should be flying on wings of hope and power and joy, I have felt low and even hopeless. Well, so did Elijah! As I finished Priscilla Shirer’s Elijah this week,I can’t help but write one more post on this amazing study. You can read the first two posts here and here. Why does this happen, to us and…

  • Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Do You Need Courage?

    Who knew, when Jennifer Rothschild began writing her Bible study Take Courage, on the Old Testament book of Haggai, how desperately we would need the messages of encouragement for tough times that Haggai preached! No one knew we’d be in the middle of a global pandemic, or that we would have such turmoil in our nation! But God certainly did. Perhaps you have faced difficulty, opposition and discouragement that causes you to question your purpose, especially as you reflect the 12 months we have just lived through. Maybe situations have not turned out like you thought they would, or how you wanted them to. Maybe you are desperately needing encouragement…

  • General,  Pandemic,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Good News on Social Media

    I began a social media journey while serving at LifeWay as Women’s Ministry Specialist. Not because I wanted to, but because I HAD to! When I first arrived at this new position in 1994, email was the biggest thing I had to figure out. After 22+ years, technology had progressed in BIG ways! Since my generation wasn’t raised on the technology of today, it was a continual process of learning…often from younger people I worked with! And, it still is today. After retirement, I have continued using social media, sometimes to stay connected and know what my friends and family are up to. Other times it’s to serve the Lord…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial,  Waiting,  What I'm Reading

    Are You Listening???

    Do you ever wonder if God hears our cry for Him to do something? Perhap’s it’s been a long season of praying and not seeing any answers. Do you think, maybe He’s not listening, maybe He doesn’t know, maybe He doesn’t want to fix this? I think the real problem isn’t whether or not He hears us, but whether or not, we hear Him. Too often, I just miss His answers, or maybe I’m just not intentionally looking for them. And I too often look only for answers as I want them to appear! Daily we see people listening intently through ear buds of one kind of another. We put…