What If He Hadn’t Come?
Have you ever thought about that?: What if He hadn’t come to earth? Picture with me a world today without Jesus in your life.. Does it look bleak? Hopeless? Not worth living?
Now, how does it feel knowing He did come? Hopeful, purposeful, bright even on dark days? Does your heart overflow with gratefulness? We just celebrated Jesus’ birth and are looking toward a new year, but let’s consider before we do, what if He hadn’t come.
In week 2 study of the Joy to the World from LifeWay Women, I pondered this question. Immanuel, God With Us, did come, changing everything. It gave us not just joy, but unending joy.

The writer included Isaiah 35 in our study this week. I’ve never studied this passage in connection with Christmas before! But this entire chapter is focused on joy and hope.
We see that Israel has been given a future hope even though they lived in idol worship and disobedience to God’s Word, and they would face captivity and loss in the future. But afterwards God promised a better future one day: They will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God (v. 1). And …the redeemed of the LORD will return and come to Zion with singing, crowned with unending joy. Joy and gladness will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee. (v.10).
That became reality when Jesus came. Not just for Israel, but for us!
The writer points out that the word will is used 25 times in these 10 verses and means absolutely will happen. No question about it! Will leaves little room for doubt. She says, Sin, death, and everything that is broken will be no more.
Her final paragraph for this day is worth quoting here: In Jesus, all that is broken will be restored. And it won’t be only a restoration. It will be a renewal that is more glorious and abundant that we can even imagine. The wilderness will overflow with wildflowers and blossoms. The dry land will flow with rushing water. There will be unending joy and singing! We can be confident that He will do these things because He has been faithful to fulfill every promise from the dawn of creation to this very moment today. What God promises He always fulfills.
How can we not rejoice as we celebrate the Messiah who came? We don’t have to worry about the question in this title…He did come! We can face 2025, and every year after, in confidence because He did!
Banner photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash