In The First Waking Moments
What happens when you first have an awareness of waking up in the morning? To where or what does your mind turn? A dream you just had? Your overfull to do list? Your cell phone? Your current crisis? Your commute in heavy traffic to work? Your health concern? I’d have to answer yes to all of these at one time or another.
May I suggest another option? If we remember Who is in charge of our day, it might prompt us to turn our eyes upward and know Jesus cares about every single thing on our hearts and on our to do list.

Wouldn’t that be amazing? Everything others see in us would indicate the presence of God in us and around us. What a huge reminder it would be to us as well, that nothing that could happen to us would be an accident that day because of His presence and purpose.
In scripture we are assured of God’s affection for us and His desire to spend time with us.
I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17
Whether you spend 5, 15, 30, or 60 minutes is not the issue. It’s where our heart turns as we begin our day, before we end up at night realizing we forgot His presence was with us and we just ignored Him, working out all our issues in our own strength. It’s too late to dedicate our day and ourselves to Jesus when we tell Him goodnight.
Early in 2025 is a great time to redirect your first awareness of the day from how you will address what’s on your plate to how God is going to show up and show you how to handle each thing He allows onto your plate that day.

Lord, help me open wide the door to my heart and life to you today and every day!
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