A God Assignment: Eyes on Others
Where are you right now? What neighborhood do you live in? Where do you work? Who do you Iive with and are responsible for? Where do you shop? And what’s on your heart? What have you learned? Who do you often pass by and hardly notice? Questions worth considering from time to time.
Chris Tiegreen said:
God has not placed us where we are simply for the output we can produce, whether at a factory, at a desk, at school, or at home with children. He has put us there because that is a context in which He wants to display Himself.
Really? At my nail salon? In my workplace? Within my home and neighborhood? Do I even consider this?
Too often I am not even conscious of those around me. Busyness, weariness, and suffering can distract us from noticing people around us.
If I really believe what Teigreen said, then I would see those I am standing beside. In fact, I would actively watch for them. I would anticipate noticing people who just need to see the light of hope at that moment. I would pray ahead of time for the Lord to use me with every person I encounter that day.
Paul wrote in Colossians 3:23:
Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.
If serving Christ daily is my goal, then I must get my eyes off of me and my agenda, and watch for those God encounters that are a part of my God assignment in each minute of my day. We don’t have to go out of our way to come into contact with someone. Just a kind word, or opening a door for someone on crutches, can shine a moment of joy into their day.
Yes, we have tasks to accomplish. I get that. But I also know I miss so many blessings to be Jesus to someone else because I’ve made my to do list supreme over my day.
Where can you enter someone’s day today?

Use me today, Father, whatever setting I am in. May I shine Jesus to a world of people who have no hope.
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Banner photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash, Family Photo by Direct Media on StockSnap, School Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash, Restaurant Photo by Candace McDaniel on StockSnap, Office Photo by Direct Media on StockSnap, Bus Photo by Martin Vorel on StockSnap