Starting My Day
Last week I wrote In The First Waking Moments about where our mind goes to when we first wake up in the morning. This week I want to share with you some things that help me focus as I start my time with the Lord after rising and getting a cup of coffee. In retirement I have more time than I’ve ever had before and love it, but I realize many of you are not retired! Here’s what I do, though not always all of it depending on how much time I can spend that day: *Read and sing the lyrics to a worship song as I to settle my…
Looking Toward the End
For me January is filled with lots of reflecting and anticipating. You probably noticed this from my previous 2 posts! Look back to the two earlier posts this year! As I was finishing up the study The Wonder of Advent in December and looking into the second coming of Christ as we read Revelation 20, a new connection was made for me regarding our struggles and Christ’s coming back one day. The study of God’s Word continues to show me new ways to understand who He is, how He works, and how He works through us! This is why we NEVER stop studying scripture! Maybe you needed to read that…
Looking Back, Looking Forward, Living Today
How was your 2023? How will your 2024 be? Last week my post reflected the anticipation of new things as we entered 2024. Please read A “Good” New Thing if you missed it. This week I want to encourage you to look back and reflect, as I am doing. What were the highs and lows of 2023? I remember wondering early last year what was ahead. I had a few ideas and plans, but I knew it was all in the hands of our sovereign Lord as to how those would pan out. What else would be a part of the 2023 journey? I had some wonderful experiences with family,…
A “Good” New Thing
It’s a new year. How can it be 2024? Wasn’t it just yesterday we turned the calendar to 2023? Maybe, for you, it was a really long year. At my age, every year is fast! (Smile) Yours might have lasted too long and you are glad to turn the calendar to a new year. Hard, or not so hard, I love turning to new things and anticipating new things. I recently read Isaiah 43:19 as we entered 2024. This is Isaiah’s prophecy about Israel’s ultimate restoration after continued rebelliousness of the people. Part of the prophecy to Israel was about the hard times they would face as a part of…
New Year Blessings!
I pray you take time to consider the year ahead as you walk with Jesus and trust His presence and guidance as you begin a new year in Him! Blessings! Banner photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplashinset Photo by Tricia Gray on StockSnap
New Year’s Blessings
Thank you for reading my posts in the past. I am so grateful if anything the Lord is teaching me ministers to you. Truly, what you read is not what I’ve mastered, but what He is teaching me, often for the hundredth time! I pray that this coming year, the Lord will use me to continue serving and encouraging you. No matter what we face in the months ahead, glorious joy or the depth of despair, Jesus will walk with us through it all. We will be changed, and we will become stronger in our faith, if we will trust Him completely, even in pain and fear. We will learn…
A New Year…And?
I just reflected on where my thoughts and heart were this time last year. Here was my new years post then, What’s Ahead. Now I’m looking into 2022 and wondering again what this year will bring. We cannot predict this new year anymore than we could 2021. We aren’t allowed perfect predictions of the future. We have no idea the wonderful experiences we will have, nor the pains and losses. We can make plans, we can dream and pray, but only the Lord sees every day of 2022 completely. So, what do we do? Simply put, yet so profound, is that we trust the sovereignty of The One who does…
6 Great Posts for the New Year
I’ve read so many great posts to help us kick off a new year that I decided to share those this week. No matter what you are facing today, walk into this new year in the power of Christ, trusting Him for everything ahead. 1.Here is a great article about what is on the minds of young adults: THE REAL ISSUE TROUBLING OUR MINDS RIGHT NOW 2.Many of us consider health and exercise at the start of a new year. Here are some helpful tips: HOW TO USE EXERCISE AS ONE OF YOUR LEADERSHIP TOOLS IN 2021 3.LifeWay leaders share their 2021 prayers: PRAYERS FOR THE NEW YEAR 4.Encouragement from…
What’s Ahead?
Ok, we’ve turned the calendar to 2021. So what? What now? Will life “go back to normal after pandemic?” We do not know what is ahead, but we can choose to answer “so what” by how we enter this new year, even if it doesn’t yet include ditching masks for ever! Even if we still do not have a job, or family gatherings, or great health, or…… For a number of years I have sensed God giving me a theme, verse, or word to focus on for the year. Sometimes it’s just because of where I am in my life, although this past year my focus came from a topic…
Blessed New Year!
I am sure most of us are praying for a different year in 2021 than we had in 2020. But what a perfect time to think about the things God has done THIS year! Yes, among COVID, hostility, politics, loss, cancelled trips and church services, and many other disappointments, there is SO much we can be thankful for. Even with the Christmas day bombing in downtown Nashville (and 3 days without cell or internet service at our home!). Praise that only the bomber was killed and only minor injuries for a couple of police. Shout out for our Nashville police for protecting so many from harm that day, especially as…