A Rocky 2024?
How’s 2024 so far? Is it what you thought it would be? It has not been for me, in several ways. If you read my posts regularly you’ve seen some of my unexpected experiences. I’ve begun to wonder if this is how it will be all year!
But God gave me the song “Good Plans” the first of the year and I decided I’d seek to find the good plan in whatever God allowed this year. I just didn’t think I’d have do it this soon!
Instead of dreading what is next, I’m seeking to believe His good plans and ask the Lord what He wants to teach me. What does He desire in the midst of surprises, concerns and even disappointments? It is barely February and yet life has been pretty much gone differently that I thought it would. Between friends and loved ones with health concerns, my own “sorta flu” event that could have cancelled a speaking engagement, ice storms that almost cancelled flights, and Satan’s personal attacks to bring doubt into my heart, I’m ready a week of “normal.”
But what if this is really the pattern for 2024? What then? I want to choose to trust God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. I want to put down my stake in what is true rather than in circumstances.
What about you? If you haven’t had anything go awry yet, needless to say, it will happen at some point this year. How can we keep our eyes on Him?
May we let the Word saturate our hearts and minds, giving us something solid to hold on to. Psalm 18 has become a favorite passage after experiencing Hurricane Sally a few years ago. (I wrote a series on this experience, check out Hurricane Sally Posts).

Last weekend I spoke at a women’s retreat using Isaiah 26:3-4 as our focal passage: You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you. Trust in the LORD forever, because in the LORD, the LORD himself, is an everlasting rock!
Ladies, this is how we walk out each day, every year! Let’s challenge each other to keep our focus and stand on the Rock!
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