Between the Holidays
Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is quickly approaching. How’s your heart? Ticking along at a steady pace, or beating out of your chest in this holiday season. Perhaps some of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you look forward to Christmas even though you have shopping, decorating and cooking to do. Photo by Element5 Digital on StockSnap Others may have had a very tense Thanksgiving and the thought of another family gathering is more than you can even begin planning. Maybe you are missing someone who is no longer a part of your holidays due to broken relationships, geograhical distance, or death. Does your job, kids holiday activities, or purchasing and…
Hope…Earthly or Eternal?
Do you hope it will rain this week like we do? We were drenched all spring, and are now totally dry! Do you have a hard relationship you hope to fully restore? Do you hope you get a big raise soon? Do you hope the doctor’s diagnosis will change when you return for follow up? All of these are good things to hope for. We should hope, and pray, for these things. But, the reality is, we may or may not get what we hope for. For a believer, hope takes on a deeper level of meaning. Complete hope is fulfilled in eternity. Nothing good will be held back. Every…
Are You Blooming? Update
I blogged last July after purchasing a colorful new deck flag that said Bloom Where Your Are Planted. This year as I was looking at that flag for a second spring season, I was also reading 1 Corinthians with my D-Group and discovered something I’ve missed in the past. Three times Paul says basically the same thing: Whatever circumstances God has called you into, stay in it! Check out 1 Corinthians 7:17, 20 and 24. This made me ponder the message of my flag. The current life circumstances are by design and I must stay in them, at least for now! I am currently reading a book by Lisa…
Waiting with Patience?
I’m not necessarily a patient person. I applaud those who are. Tending to work fast on most anything, I am a “get’er done” kind of gal. Waiting in line, waiting on answers, and well…just waiting in general, is REALLY hard! This year the Lord directed me to memorize Romans 8. My verses for this week are 24-25. The context is how we were saved through our hope in Christ and now we eagerly wait for our full redemption when Jesus returns and makes all things new. Read back a few verses in your Bible, or better yet, the entire chapter to get a better look at the context. My post…
Are You Blooming?
I wrote on a similar topic a while back, Grow Through What You Go Through, but the day I took this photo, I was sitting outside on the deck having time in the Word and kept looking at this new flag on our deck. I loved the vivid colors, but more than that I want to do what this says. All that God was saying to me lately came together in this thought, bloom where you are planted. There are some things I am not really happy about right now, but can’t do anything about. So, this thought is especially poignant. In John 15, Jesus teaches His followers how essential…
Dealing With Anxiety
It’s everywhere! Maybe you are experiencing this right this moment. So much has been written about this, but how are YOU dealing with it? There’s only a couple of times in my life I came close to having a panic attack (other than a short lived one as I feared for my life and there was a true reason for this panic! Check out my Hurricane Sally series.). I do remember those times and felt, “I just cannot do all this!” I was the mom of twin daughters, in school, and very involved in ministry in my church, even serving in a part time position on the staff. My heart…
When It’s Hard
We’ve just celebrated Thanksgiving and have been challenged to stop our busy lives for a season of remembering all we have to be thankful for. Yes, most of us have also overindulged in amazing food and fellowship as well. Perhaps your perfect family around the Thanksgiving table was less than perfect. Maybe it was even painful. Maybe you were alone How are we thankful when it’s hard? We know the passage: …give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 When we are struggling, fearful, hurting, criticized, or humbled in some way, being thankful is not normally the first thing we think…
The Sting of Thorns
Today’s post is written by one of my daughters, Alycia Neighbours (see bio below). She has written a number of posts on my blog and is an amazing writer who shares her journey and her faith with many. I know you will be touched by this message. Chris One of my children is in crisis. Not a “I have nothing to wear to school” crisis, but very serious. I’m currently at a total loss, so I went to the barn because that’s where God will usually meet me and help me sort through the blur of emotions. When I arrived I found my horse covered head to toe in burrs.…
Uncomfortable, But Soaring!
I don’t know about you, but I like comfortable, routine, predictable. Many of you reading this might be bored with predictability, but others will identify with my comfort zones! Now, I’m not so naive to think life is usually within my preferred “zones”. Normal life is really not like this, and even though I do not always enjoy the changes that come, I’ve seen God’s hand as He has done much in those unexpected and often daunting experiences. I recently finished a book by Stacey Thacker, Fresh Out of Amazing. Stacey shares a story about eagles that I was surprised by, and yet identified with. Before the baby eagle learns…
The Next Step
Are you in a place of struggle today that seems useless and wondering what the next step is? Are you just biding your time, waiting for the next big thing to happen? Are you always looking into the future and forgetting that the sovereign Lord is in charge of your right now as well as your future? I am LOVING Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study, Discerning the Voice of God. Although I did the first version of this study many years ago (and it’s always been one of my favs), this is a subject I need to study again and again. If you’ve never done this study, I HIGHLY recommend it! If you’ve…