Are You Blooming? Update
I blogged last July after purchasing a colorful new deck flag that said Bloom Where Your Are Planted. This year as I was looking at that flag for a second spring season, I was also reading 1 Corinthians with my D-Group and discovered something I’ve missed in the past.
Three times Paul says basically the same thing: Whatever circumstances God has called you into, stay in it! Check out 1 Corinthians 7:17, 20 and 24. This made me ponder the message of my flag. The current life circumstances are by design and I must stay in them, at least for now!

I am currently reading a book by Lisa Wingate titled Tending Roses. This is a quote that applies here: We are like this lilac tree. We cannot change where God has put us. If we are to bloom at all, we must bloom where we have been planted. I felt she captured my thoughts on this topic well.

So, this week, I want to link you back to that original post, Are You Blooming? which also links to two other posts on the topic. Enjoy!