What I'm Reading
From Torment to Worship
When I was in my early 20’s, the Lord took me off the fence of faith to show me how to walk more closely to Him as His disciple. Though I still struggle and fall short in so many ways, that began a journey in discipleship that continues to this day, and the drive behind my heart in women’s ministry. In my study of Mary Magdalene through the LifeWay Women’s Devoted Bible study, I was struck by the contrast this woman lived as she went from being tormented by 7 demons to worshiping Jesus (Mark 16:9). We shouldn’t be surprised because, isn’t that what we also experience through salvation? Aren’t…
Vacation Blog Share 2023
I’m on vacation so thought I’d share some great blogs. I read lots of blogs and love sharing those I find helpful. These are especially for women’s group leaders. I read lots of blogs and wanted to share these with you. Blessings as you lead women in their walk with Christ. 1 Do you ever wonder how to get women involved in a small group? Take a look at this post from LifeWay Research, What Compels People to Join Small Groups? 2 Ever wish you had a co-leader? Maybe you would love to see new groups develop. Check out this post also from LifeWay Research, 13 Places to Discover New…
Just Below the Surface
As I write this my husband and I are on an extended time away from home. We don’t live here, but the beach is our home away from home every chance we get. Our time here began a bit sad as I wondered what God was doing. The first couple of days we were here, I saw only a handful of dolphins. It was in the morning as I sat on the balcony spending time with Jesus. The dolphin sometimes jump and spin and are very obvious. Today, they were only showing their fins once in a while. It was a quiet and slow movement and I had to watch…
I’m Not That Bad! Part 2
The best part of experiencing conviction from the Lord, is the result when we repent…restoration. So let’s conclude this line of thought from last week with that beautiful gift He gives us. If you missed last week’s post, please read back to Part 1 . In Isaiah 38, we see what happens when Hezekiah, who was stricken with a deadly illness, prayed for God’s healing. As God extended his life, he wrote a poem. “Indeed, it was for my own welfare that I had such great bitterness; but Your love has delivered me from the Pit of destruction, for You have thrown all my sins behind Your back (Isaiah 38:27).…
I’m Not That Bad! Part 1
I’ve noticed as I have aged and grown spiritually, the Lord is quicker to get my attention to sin in my life. My toes stay sore most of the time as He steps on them in conviction. Repentance is a daily ongoing activity! The more I learn about Christ and understand the depth of His holiness, the more I am aware of how far I am from it. I desire it but continue to miss the mark. What triggers awareness of sin in your life? What do you do to stop at the trigger before allowing the temptation to become sin? If we do not know the Word, our awareness…
It’s The Truth, All Of It!
I’ve been guilty, and I bet you have too, of using a verse of scripture to prove a point. Sometimes, it doesn’t even mean what I’m trying to prove.. Jen Wilkin has said, and I’ve quoted often, “A text without a context is a pretext for a prooftext.” This means that unless you understand the context, you don’t fully know the meaning. You may be using it to prove something it doesn’t. To understand meaning of scriptural truth we must know the context in many ways. This includes knowing the placement of your verse regarding: chapter, book of the Bible, where it sits in the whole of the redemption story,…
Waiting with Patience?
I’m not necessarily a patient person. I applaud those who are. Tending to work fast on most anything, I am a “get’er done” kind of gal. Waiting in line, waiting on answers, and well…just waiting in general, is REALLY hard! This year the Lord directed me to memorize Romans 8. My verses for this week are 24-25. The context is how we were saved through our hope in Christ and now we eagerly wait for our full redemption when Jesus returns and makes all things new. Read back a few verses in your Bible, or better yet, the entire chapter to get a better look at the context. My post…
The Timeliness of God’s Word
Sometimes it seems the Lord is silent, but other times He just floods you with common thoughts as you are facing challenges. He did that (again) recently. I was finishing up the the two connected studies. Seven Realities for Experiencing God by Richard and Henry Blackaby and Experiencing God, upon which Seven Realities is based, also by the Blackabys and Claude King. I’ve spent weeks being reminded of how God speaks and calls us to work with Him, as well as making adjustments it takes to obey! In facing a tough relationship circumstance, I’ve been asking God to show me how to obey in the situation. I’ve also been walking…
Knowing God’s Will Part 14: Lessons From Experiencing God
Ever feel like you just need a second chance? So did Moses, David and Peter! God often gives second chances. Moses made mistakes but delivered Israel to the edge of Canaan. Abraham lied about who Sarah was. Jonah ran from God’s assignment. David committed adultery. Peter denied Christ. Saul persecuted Christians. God used each one for His purpose anyway. But, consequences of our sin can be very costly. Moses got to see the Promised Land, but did not get to enter it because he dishonored God in front of all Israel. God still uses us even if we mess up but He desires our quick obedience. Blackaby said, When God…
Knowing God’s Will Part 13: Lessons From Experiencing God
What is that step of obedience you could take today to lead to a deeper walk with Jesus than you’ve ever known? Though Moses started his “experiencing God” story with a burning bush, God did so much more as Pharaoh released captive Israel and they eventually entered the Promised Land. Each time Moses faced a challenge, God was right there to meet the need, and each time he experienced and knew God more. The same can be true for us if we say yes, make adjustments, and then obey what He tells us. We will know his character more as we obey, year after year after year. Read our last…