When God Says No
I am typically upbeat and optimistic, but after this past hard season of loss, I have found myself struggling to find my normal happy self. I even felt some depression which is rare for me. And, this isn’t the first hard season I’ve faced! But this time, when I prayed for God to work a certain way, He said no.
That hurt, a lot.
So, would I still trust Him? Would I still walk in the truth of Romans 8:28-30? Would I say, His love and goodness are still true? Where would I focus my eyes and look for what sustains in the “even ifs” of life? For a couple of days, I struggled with these questions, and even with talking to God about it. But, I finally said, “I will“…even if it’s with tears in my eyes.
I know Jesus is my sustainer, I know He is my healer and I know He will provide exactly what I need. I also know He will do that for you as well, no matter what you are facing.
When Elijah asked the widow for a meal, we saw God provide exactly enough flour and oil to make bread until the famine ended. Just enough, just until.
Look at two of my favorite verses on this topic.

His power and grace have given us every thing we need for every circumstance we face. Do you believe that?
If you do, then you will even see beauty in the midst of pain and loss. It was no coincidence that as I was memorizing Romans 8, I got to verses 28-30 as I was in this season. I want to walk out what I memorized and believe in faith He is working good.
Neither life circumstances nor the enemy have anything over us that the sovereignty of Christ has not already covered. NOTHING!
To be human is to be emotional, so tears, anger, grief and even doubt are normal. But we must trust His truth more than we trust our emotions.
It was also providential that this is when I was asked to write a blog post on gratitude! I was truly having a hard time being grateful. But that’s another story I’ll share when that post is available!
I leave you with this: Jesus has saved us and given us life, and He is coming back. We can rejoice and be grateful for this even in a season of loss. Keep your eyes on Him, stay in His Word, and talk to Him continually, honestly, and faithfully.