Christmas Joy
This past week my advent study focused on joy. If you missed the last post, you can read Christmas Peace here.

As believers we should know that true joy is not based on circumstances but on our position in Christ. I can trust Him and bear His fruit even when my heart is breaking. It’s through surrender this happens. As we stay surrendered to Jesus, he allows our fruit to bring Him honor.
The second thing the writer mentioned as a part of this joy was obedience. I’m sure you know that joy is not what we experience when we are disobedient. God will not allow His children to continue in sin without conviction. And that’s uncomfortable, not joyful!
Our joy comes from Him because He designed us that way! Nothing else will satisfy. That joy will be complete when Jesus returns and we celebrate like never before with a joy He has fully satisfied! Read this passage in Revelation if you need a “joy” reminder! :
Then I heard something like the voice of a vast multitude, like the sound of cascading waters, and like the rumbling of loud thunder, saying, Hallelujah, because our Lord God, the Almighty, reigns! Let us be glad, rejoice, and give him glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride ha prepared herself. She was given fine linen to wear, bright and pure. For the fine linen represents the righteous acts of the saints.Then he said to me, “Write: Blessed are those invited to the marriage feast of the Lamb! ” He also said to me, “These words of God are true.” Then I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers and sisters who hold firmly to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God, because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Revelation 19:6-10

Can you even imagine that wedding feast? Indescribable joy! The best Christmas joy ever!
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