• Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    A New View

    After living 30 years in a 37 year old house, we finally replaced the windows! We have some big windows, which sold me on this house due to all the natural sunlight. But we never realized how cloudy the old ones were until the new windows were installed. The difference is amazing…going from  double panes with lots of cross bars in the glass that can’t be cleaned, and needed it, to clear views that look like there is no glass at all. I feel like I can reach out and touch the trees! Because I love being outside and seeing animals behind our house, it feels almost like our den…

  • Blessings,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Formed, Forgiven and Never Forgotten

    I recently re-read what may be for some a somewhat obscure passage in the Old Testament. It was for me, but I saw something that warmed my heart as I saw the connection between the Old and New Testament, between Israel and us.  Isaiah was prophesying what God told him to say to Israel. He would deliver this rebellious nation from their enemies. He’d made a covenant with Abraham and He would not break it, no matter what they did.  The section that stood out to me in Isaiah 44, that I found so comforting, for Israel, and for myself, was in verses 21-23: This reminds them God created them.…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    From Torment to Worship

    When I was in my early 20’s, the Lord took me off the fence of faith to show me how to walk more closely to Him as His disciple. Though I still struggle and fall short in so many ways, that began a journey in discipleship that continues to this day, and the drive behind my heart in women’s ministry.  In my study of Mary Magdalene through the LifeWay Women’s Devoted Bible study, I was struck by the contrast this woman lived as she went from being tormented by 7 demons to worshiping Jesus (Mark 16:9). We shouldn’t be surprised because, isn’t that what we also experience through salvation? Aren’t…

  • Blessings,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    Genesis to the Cross

    You know how you know something, but then someone else writes a comment that just makes you think, “How could I forget that?” That happened this week as I was reading the end of the book of Mark in my NT260 Bible plan. Here’s the comment that made the connection between creation and the cross again for me: “With His death on the cross Jesus paid God’s penalty for the sins of the world, sins that required a blood sacrifice to purify sinners. On the third day, He rose from the dead and defeated death–the ultimate consequence of sin.” Foundations New Testament Did I already know that? Yes. Did I…

  • Lessons,  Social Media Fast,  Spiritual Growth,  Waiting

    Eternity is Worth the Wait: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #4

    My daughter fasted from social media (not all internet) for a week and wrote some pretty powerful journals. I am so grateful she has allowed me to share some of what she wrote. You can read the previous posts here: #1, #2, and #3. The topic this day hits home with me as I also get frustrated when my internet connection doesn’t immediately download or an application doesn’t quickly open at my click! Perhaps you, too, need to take a break from social media, or perhaps the internet in general, for a period of time to focus on what truly matters! As you can see from this journal entry, eternity…

  • Blessings,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    He Is The Light!

    Are you facing darkness right now? Are you struggling to see the light you long for? Even the short winter days can become discouraging, not to mention the year 2020 filled with so much turmoil! Interestingly, the shortest (darkest) day of the year is just a few days before we celebrate Jesus birth! I started O Come O Come Emmanuel, an advent study, right after Thanksgiving. This week the focus was the light Jesus brought to the world. Can you even imagine how dark the world was as God stayed silent for 400 years! Complete darkness! Because of sin. Since the garden, people sinned and couldn’t figure out a way…

  • General,  Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Living in the Not Yet

    Today I read Psalm 47 which seemed to connect so much with my New Testament reading of Revelation: God reigns over the nations;God is seated on his holy throne.The nobles of the peoples have assembledwith the people of the God of Abraham.For the leaders of the earth belong to God;he is greatly exalted. Psalm 47:8-11 What a comfort and hope this message is…one day this will be reality! It really WILL! Having just finished Revelation with my D-Group, (I wrote last week’s post on The Hope of Revelation) I see how very timely it’s message is for where our world is today. News continues to show pain, chaos, fear, and…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  What I'm Reading


    One thing I love about God’s living and active Word (Hebrews 4:12), is the new-ness I experience as I read passages I’ve read so often. and yet, God reveals something deeper that I’ve missed before. This happened, AGAIN, as I was studying Hebrews this time…an amazing book in the Bible that ties the Old Testament to the New Testament like no other! The writer of this book warns against not believing God, not following Him in obedience. Hebrews 3:15-19 says: Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. For who heard and rebelled? Wasn’t it all who came out of Egypt under Moses?…

  • Blessings,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Indescribable Joy

    Sometimes during the holidays I really miss not having parents to “go home to”, but I love being the parent my kids and grandkids come to for the holidays. Just once in a while I wish I still had parents too! Our last parent died in 2009, but it was several years before that when we stopped having a parent’s home to return to for family get togethers. So, holidays include both joy and a bit of sadness. Today I read Mark 12:24-25 a new way, “Jesus spoke to them, “Isn’t this the reason why you’re mistaken: you don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God? For when they…

  • Blessings,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    The Silence is Broken Part 2

    Last week we looked at how God ended the 400 years of silence. If you missed that post, first read Part 1 here. How did God speak to you last week? Did He reveal something about an issue you’ve been praying about? Did He remind you of something you had stopped praying about and had even maybe forgotten about? Has He been speaking and maybe it was so different from what you expected, you just ignored His words? As I focused on Mary’s response to her Lord, I started thinking: how obedient am I when I hear Him speak? Perhaps I’m finally hearing from God after a long period of…