The Silence is Broken Part 2
Last week we looked at how God ended the 400 years of silence. If you missed that post, first read Part 1 here.
How did God speak to you last week? Did He reveal something about an issue you’ve been praying about? Did He remind you of something you had stopped praying about and had even maybe forgotten about? Has He been speaking and maybe it was so different from what you expected, you just ignored His words?
As I focused on Mary’s response to her Lord, I started thinking: how obedient am I when I hear Him speak? Perhaps I’m finally hearing from God after a long period of praying for something without seeing a resolution. What if it’s not what I expected? What if it seems impossible? Will I obey and submit to His plan?
When He speaks what will you do? What did Mary do? Matthew 1:38 tells us: “I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel left her.”
There are some things I’ve been praying about for a long time, things that have not been resolved. But in the midst of praying, I know God is working even when I cannot see it. He is preparing me and those around me for His answer to this silence and in the midst of it, I can trust Him and be at peace.
When I look at all that was happening in the 400 years of silence (roads being build in the known world at that time, people becoming dissatisfied with false religions, translation of Scripture that was being done) how can I doubt my wait? My Advent study mentions, that for Israel, hope and faith were at an all time low when their silence was broken. They were waiting for the only thing that would restore their hope, the Messiah’s appearance.
So, how will you wait in the silence? With hope? Or in defeat? I love the John Piper quote written in my study, “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.“
This is why we can experience eternal peace…DAILY! We can have joy in the midst of the wait, the pain and the confusion. He IS our peace. My history with Christ, and His unfailing faithfulness, gives me the ability to have hope today.
What are you waiting for? Wait in HOPE and PEACE. Know that He is at work! Merry, hopeful, peaceful Christmas.

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