Christmas Blessings!
My prayer for each of you is that you end 2021 with joy in your heart, no matter the circumstances you are in this Christmas, knowing our Sovereign Christ understands and has purpose. And I pray you anticipate growing deeper in your walk with the Lord in 2022. May you truly experience His peace over your life this Christmas. Banner photo by Toni Cuenca on Unsplash
Yes, More Great Blogs!
As you know, if you have read my posts before, I love to share what I’m reading that I have found helpful. Today I share several I believe you will find helpful. (By the way, this banner photo reminds me, warmer weather will come! I am seeking to be grateful for the cold weather and dead looking trees during this winter, but I always look forward to the spring days when I see new leaves beginning to break out onto those trees again!) 1 I love reading about leadership and one of my fav bloggers is Carey Nieuwhof, so I am sharing a great post he write that I believe…
The Waiting
I’m in the second week of an Advent study I am doing with my women’s life group, preparing my heart for Christmas. It never gets old to consider the arrival of Christ in the flesh. What if He hadn’t come? I can’t even imagine the feeling of loss and yet, waiting for the promise to be fulfilled in the arrival of the Savior. Imagine the Israelites hearing NOTHING from God for 400 years, Malachi to Matthew! Silence. The most deafening silence they’d probably ever heard. Then…the angels announce the arrival of the baby born miraculously to Mary and Joseph, the long awaited Messiah! Advent means “waiting for the coming of…
When It’s Hard
We’ve just celebrated Thanksgiving and have been challenged to stop our busy lives for a season of remembering all we have to be thankful for. Yes, most of us have also overindulged in amazing food and fellowship as well. Perhaps your perfect family around the Thanksgiving table was less than perfect. Maybe it was even painful. Maybe you were alone How are we thankful when it’s hard? We know the passage: …give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 When we are struggling, fearful, hurting, criticized, or humbled in some way, being thankful is not normally the first thing we think…
Unfilter Your Faith: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #5
This is the final post in this Social Media Fast series. Feel free to go back and read the first 4. I wonder if any of you who have chosen to read this blog series are struggling in your spiritual journey? Looking at events around you in fear and doubt? Are you struggling to hear from God? Perhaps, like my daughter, you need to “unfilter” something in your life so you can hear more clearly. By the way, she has held true to her keeping notifications off and limiting time on social media for this week! I asked her how it as going, and it has been something she has…
Eternity is Worth the Wait: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #4
My daughter fasted from social media (not all internet) for a week and wrote some pretty powerful journals. I am so grateful she has allowed me to share some of what she wrote. You can read the previous posts here: #1, #2, and #3. The topic this day hits home with me as I also get frustrated when my internet connection doesn’t immediately download or an application doesn’t quickly open at my click! Perhaps you, too, need to take a break from social media, or perhaps the internet in general, for a period of time to focus on what truly matters! As you can see from this journal entry, eternity…
Created to Connect: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #3
Today I am just going to share from my daughters journal with almost no comments. This speaks for itself! (You can read part 1 here and part 2 here.) I want to just close with a beautiful prayer Jesus prayed for his followers that reflects the kind of relationships He desires for us to experience (my addition in brackets for clarity). I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe in me through their [the disciples] word. May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us, so that the world may believe you sent…
Living For the “Like”: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #2
I wonder how many of us post on social media and just wait to see how many “likes” we get. Kind of opens a pandora’s box doesn’t it? Of course, we post things we think are interesting or funny, but do we do it just to get those likes? Should that be the motive for posting updates? This is the second (read the first here) in this Social Media Fast series of lessons from my daughter Alycia’s week long social media shut down. She has allowed me to share some of the things she learned. I pray these will cause you to stop and think about why you use social…
His Love Rushes In: Fall Beach Lesson 2021
Can you handle just (maybe) one more beach lesson from our trip in September? If not, just shut this post down! So, the last couple of days we were at the beach, it was misty some days, and socked in at times with clouds. But we decided even without perfect beach weather, we really enjoyed just being by the water, hearing the waves, and reading. So we got on the beach for at least for part of those days. I interrupted my reading at times just to watch the waves continue to hit the shore time after time after time. I’ve shared previously about the constant wave action reminding me…
The Vastness of God: Fall Beach Lesson 2021
As I sat on the beach or balcony this beach trip, my eyes continually look at the horizon. As far as I could see was water. And more water! This is one of the repeated reminders I get when we are here: the vastness of the water is like the vastness of God. At this stage of life, the older I get, the more I realize I don’t know…about life, ministry, relationships and so many things, but certainly about the Lord. I know now more than I ever have, yet I understand how very much I still don’t know. That is what keeps me coming back again and again to…