Are You Listening Now?
Right now, I feel like this is what God is asking me…in so many ways. “Are you listening to me NOW?” Perhaps it’s the end of a long year we just experienced, a year of changes, cancellations, concerns and SO much more! Maybe it’s the uncertainty of all that is happening in our nation today. We don’t have a clue what will happen tomorrow. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because God is telling us to open our ears, listen and watch Him do His work in our world.
Over and over He has shown his sovereignty to me personally and I am hanging on that even as I look to tomorrow…and the day after that. Last year I wrote a post on listening to Him as our family was dealing with a huge concern. You can read Are You Listening? here. Seems He continues to ask me that same question!
Unrest in our nation right now has caused so much concern and even fear, but just last week, here’s what I read and heard from Him. Perhaps this will encourage you, that He is speaking in the midst of the chaos!
I wrote last weeks blog post, Over the Nations, as God reminded me that He is worthy of all praise, and my praise for His blessings shows the world He is sovereign. And that will bring a harvest.
After some devastating news in our nation, my heart was so burdened and even fearful. But the next morning I read Psalm 69 (which again reminded me he is over the nations), I wrote an assigned daily passage of scripture for day 12 (see photo if you want to see this scripture challenge my life group is doing together for January…and we may continue through 2021, sorry it’s a bit fuzzy).

This is that Day 12 passage in 1 Chronicles 16:8-14:
Give thanks to the LORD; call on his name;
proclaim his deeds among the peoples.
Sing to him; sing praise to him;
tell about all his wondrous works!
Honor his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
Seek the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.
Remember the wondrous works he has done,
his wonders, and the judgments he has pronounced,
you offspring of Israel his servant,
Jacob’s descendants — his chosen ones.
He is the LORD our God;
his judgments govern the whole earth.
As I wrote that passage out and read Psalm 69, He spoke and I listened.This is the verse that jumped out at me and gave me such peace!

And to add to that, my worship song for that morning, which just happened to be up next on my play list, was Yes I Will! He spoke! How could I NOT listen?
Friend, He speaks to all of us, daily, as we seek His face, as we pray, as we worship, as we get in His amazing, living Word…IF we are listening. Too often my ears, mind and heart are closed…distracted, focusing on fear, wanting just to have circumstances that please me…to be able to hear Him!
It doesn’t hurt that the day before all this, my church began 21 days of devotion, including prayer and fasting, as we seek God’s revival personally and in and through out church. But all this is not just for my church, or me personally…it’s for all who would open their ears, minds and hearts, and see Him! And it’s not just for 21 days, but for a lifetime!
Pray for our church as we seek to be faithful to the revival He has started! If you want to read about it, click this link and listen to this podcast, We are continuing to watch in awe as what He is doing, and praying that He will do it in every single church!
Banner photo by kyle smith on Unsplash