• Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    No Disappointments

    Theologian and hymn writer Frederick William Faber said, There are no disappointments to those whose will are buried in the will of God. How can that be true? Haven’t we all faced disappointments? We understand God is sovereign, and He decides the course of our lives. He is our ultimate authority, so he chooses what to give us and what to withhold.  But does that mean we have to be happy with His choices? What about the alternative? We choose our will rather than God’s. Surely, we understand that it will not end well. We are not all-knowing and all-wise. He is.  Isaiah 48:17 speaks of God’s guidance and care…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Test,  Trial

    A Rocky 2024?

    How’s 2024 so far? Is it what you thought it would be? It has not been for me, in several ways. If you read my posts regularly you’ve seen some of my unexpected experiences. I’ve begun to wonder if this is how it will be all year!  But God gave me the song “Good Plans” the first of the year and I decided I’d seek to find the good plan in whatever God allowed this year. I just didn’t think I’d have do it this soon! Instead of dreading what is next, I’m seeking to believe His good plans and ask the Lord what He wants to teach me. What…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Test,  Trial

    Delayed Gratitude

    This week, I want to rejoice in a 3 year delay in celebrating our 50th anniversary on a cruise. We planned this cruise for 2021, but ships weren’t sailing at that time due to COVID. Our 50th was celebrated, just not as we had planned! We actually discovered a new favorite beach on Captiva Island, Florida that year! This year, for our 53rd anniversary, we made the cruise with several of our friends and had the best time. For me anticipation is half the fun! I love to plan ahead and wait for something to happen. But, I must say, the week we were to leave, a major winter storm…

  • Blessings,  General,  Great Blogs,  What I'm Reading

    Thanksgiving Blessings

    Next week I’ll conclude my two part post that began last week: Spiritual Game Changers Part 1. This week I just want to say how grateful I am that you read my musings as I process what God is teaching me and share some thanksgiving encouragement. Three things for finding gratitude: 1 This is a fabulous podcast to prepare your heart for this holiday of thanksgiving from LifeWay Women Marked: Finding the Courage to Celebrate. 2 This is an article I wrote for LifeWay Women recently and am sharing here again. Unpacking Gratitude in Scripture. 3 And this is a Bible study my life group just completed in preparation for…

  • Blessings,  Great Blogs,  Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Test,  Trial

    Gratitude In ALL Things

    I recently had the privilege of writing an article for LifeWay Women’s The Reference Desk department. The topic was “gratitude.” The timing of the request was designed by God, as it was during a really tough few weeks. Gratitude was not overflowing, but I desperately needed it! I was forced to look at my heart as I studied in preparation for writing this article, and as I prepared to teach my life group using the study Grateful. Banner photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

  • General,  Great Blogs,  What I'm Reading

    Some Helpful Blogs

    Today, I have the privilege of sharing some blogs I have found to be helpful. I believe you will agree with me as you read these. 1.Because social media is just a big part of our culture, we need to use wisdom in how we post, read or interact on these platforms. Eric Geiger shares Proverbs for Consuming and Contributing on Social Media. 2. Have you ever felt the ministry calling in your life is not what you expected? Jeff Martin writes When You’re Disappointed With Your Ministry Assignment for LifeWay Research. 3. Discipling women has been my heartbeat since the Lord led me into women’s ministry 40+ years ago.…

  • Great Blogs,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    6 Great Posts for the New Year

    I’ve read so many great posts to help us kick off a new year that I decided to share those this week. No matter what you are facing today, walk into this new year in the power of Christ, trusting Him for everything ahead. 1.Here is a great article about what is on the minds of young adults: THE REAL ISSUE TROUBLING OUR MINDS RIGHT NOW 2.Many of us consider health and exercise at the start of a new year. Here are some helpful tips: HOW TO USE EXERCISE AS ONE OF YOUR LEADERSHIP TOOLS IN 2021 3.LifeWay leaders share their 2021 prayers: PRAYERS FOR THE NEW YEAR 4.Encouragement from…

  • Beach Lessons,  Lessons,  Trial

    Perfect, Broken or Perfectly Shaped?

    How often do you hear someone say (or perhaps you have said it), “I’m broken and unusable.” Or  “I can’t be forgiven for what I’ve done.”  Or perhaps, “I know God has forgiven me, but I know He can’t use me after what I’ve done.” Maybe even you have thought these things. As I’ve mentioned, I LOVE beach time. And I love what God teaches me when I’m at the shore. One of the sweetest messages He’s given me relates to how I look for big, perfect, whole shells. Perhaps like this shell I found. It was big and perfect. I wanted to find more! Then I came across this one…