Workplace Mission Field
When you think of a mission field, what picture do you have in mind? For many, this means a country overseas somewhere. Maybe you think of traveling across the US to a location away from home. But what about where you spend most of your time now?
Many of you would say your workplace, whether it’s an office, school, factory, retail store, restaurant, home, or zoom meetings (especially if you work from home). Is workplace what you think of when you hear “mission field?” Maybe you need to consider workplace first since it’s where you spend the majority of the time.
I’d like to recommend an article by Courtney Moore, 7 Ways to Use Your Work for Kingdom Purposes from LifeWay Voices. This is something to ponder as you seek to make whatever workplace God has assigned to you, a place for Gospel conversations.

Our current mission field is wherever the Lord has planted our feet. What does that look like for you today? Don’t waste today waiting for that other mission field “over there.”
When you really care about people, God can use you wherever He has you at this moment. All you have to do is love people, care about their lives, and build community. Rather than just seeking a way to talk to a person about Jesus, ask the Lord how you can love them well. Then, pray for them. God will open doors if you are praying to that end and watching for an opening to move from their personal concerns to the One Who can meet their every need. Maybe that is the very reason the Lord has you where you are today!
Banner photo by Arlington Research on Unsplash