Are You Blooming?
I wrote on a similar topic a while back, Grow Through What You Go Through, but the day I took this photo, I was sitting outside on the deck having time in the Word and kept looking at this new flag on our deck. I loved the vivid colors, but more than that I want to do what this says. All that God was saying to me lately came together in this thought, bloom where you are planted. There are some things I am not really happy about right now, but can’t do anything about. So, this thought is especially poignant. In John 15, Jesus teaches His followers how essential…
More First of the Year Thoughts
How are you are at memorizing scripture? I remember when Beth Moore wrote the study, James: Mercy Triumphs. She challenged those who did the study to take the plunge and memorize, along with her, the entire book of James! I was in my late 50’s and thought, “there is NO way.” Well, there IS a way. Because I like an impossible challenge occasionally, I decided to try it. It took over a year to get it, but it happened. So don’t say you are “too old!” Since then, I have continued to memorize chunks of scripture. I was challenged, at the beginning of 2023, by the last part of my…
Read These!
Read this post from LifeWay Research regarding recruiting volunteers. I’ve used this method for 30 years, so much better than picking people for positions, which I’ve also done! A New Approach to Volunteers: 5 Tips for Getting a “Yes” in a Culture of “No” How’s your leadership heart doing? Find out here from one of my fav podcaster/bloggers Carey Neiuwhof. 7 Early Warning Signs Your Heart Is Growing Hard in Leadership Although leadership is not always fun and easy, when God calls us to do it, we want to do it to the best of our God-given ability even when it’s hard! The amazing blessings of serving are worth any…
Leadership Challenge Blog Share
As I’ve served in various capacities over the years, mostly in the area of women’s ministry, I’ve wanted to continue to grow as a leader, spiritually, relationally, and practically. Often that has included different types of assessments. Today’s blog share is to help you assess where you are, and see were you need to grow as you lead. And ALL women lead! Check out these posts. 1 Be honest as you read 9 Everyday Situations That Say More About Your Character Than You Think by Carey Neiuwhof. 2 I don’t know about you, but listening is not one of my greater strengths! Check out How To Listen as a Leader…
Persevere or Burnout Blog Share
The last two+ years have been some of the most difficult for church leaders than ever before. Do you find yourself thriving, just making it, or burned out? Check out these two blog posts. 1 8 Ways to Persevere in Ministry from LifeWay Research helps us become smart in our leadership perseverance. 2 Carey Nieuwhof gives us some signs to look out for in How to Burn Out in 6 Easy Steps! Ask God to help you persevere in the calling He has given you as you avoid sinking into burnout! Banner photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
Why Church?
I love my church and look forward to attending weekly. When we miss for some reason, we REALLY miss it. In fact, we normally join the live stream or watch later if we are out. But especially if we have been out for more than a week, I cannot wait to get back. Recently I read a blog post by Carey Nieuwhof, whom I read regularly, whose title, 10 Reasons Even Committed Church Attenders Are Attending Church Less Often. I understand the responsibility on both the church and the attender to this dilemma. But it also made me think, “why do I love attending so much?” So, I made a…
God’s Word for You Next Year
First of all, I pray you had a wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth with your friends and family. Now that Christmas Day has ended, let’s think about next year. I’ve shared before that instead of making new year’s resolutions, I watch for God’s Word specific to me for the year, whether it’s one word or a song or a scripture. In 2018 the word was “selfless” (along with a song He gave me). You can read this post from last year if you’d like. I had no idea how hard it would be to seek to become more selfless! And I have so far to go on this one I think…