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4 Blog Posts for Leaders

Today I want to share these posts I’ve read and found helpful in regards to developing and growing our ministry teams.

1 One of my favorite bloggers is Carey Nieuwhof so I want to share one of his recent posts, 10 Leadership Quotes That Will Get Everyone On Your Team Thinking. This might serve as a discussion catalyst for the members of your team.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

2 This second post is specifically to help women’s leaders. Read 4 Keys to Developing Women’s Leaders in Your Church from LifeWay Research to help you raise up women to serve Christ.

3 Another helpful blog to follow is from LifeWay Women. Read this Leading Well/Developing Leaders from Kelly King. Be sure to sign up for notifications so you won’t miss anything!

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

4 The inner life of Christian leaders must be consistently submitted to Christ. Read this post by a former boss of mine, Eric Geiger, Ministry Leader–Pay Careful Attention to Your Life.

Blessings as you continue to lead and serve for His glory! (1 Corinthians 10:31)

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