
  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity

    The World We Live In

    I’ve watched from a distance the culture of anger we see all around us today. Painful as that is, seeing it in the community where I live brings it close to home and breaks my heart. Especially when Christians are angry and violent for a “christian” reason. Seeking justice, but in an un-Christlike manner. A hateful and even threatening manner. But it’s a picture of what we’ve all witnessed across the nation. A hint of truth, a huge dose of untruth, then attacks on social media platforms that are aimed at destroying people. Watching attacks on people they don’t know at all. They believe lies they see or hear from…

  • Blessings,  Generations,  Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Who Hates Disruptions?

    Task oriented people like me! You know, gotta get the job done…today…now! No matter what. What about you? All of us have experienced them. Most of us do not like them. Over 2 years ago the entire world experienced disruption to life as we had known it. In addition to the pandemic, many others also experienced a disruption in their good health, close relationships, face-to-face community we relied on, satisfying jobs, and income that goes with that. And this is the short list. Some experienced continual losses, one after another, along with, and in the middle of, the pandemic. But, what if, for whatever reason, this was God’s plan for…

  • Generations,  Great Blogs,  Leadership Lessons,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Resources for Understanding the Generations

    The book of Psalms talks a good bit about the generations, here’s one example: The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart from generation to generation. Psalm 33:11 (CSB) The topic of generations is one I’ve studied for years, probably as far back as the last 80’s and early 90’s. This is when I remember asking the question: “how do we reach the younger women?” This question, asked by many women’s leaders back then, led to the “new women’s ministry” movement. (For those of you younger women, the church has always had some type of ministry for women, but it wasn’t what we know today, nor…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity

    We Never Stop Learning

    Whoever said we can put down our “books” and cease learning and growing at a certain age is just plain wrong!! We do not get to say, now that I’m (you fill in the blank) years old, I know it all and I can say and do anything I want…like we have it all figured out. The enemy of our lives wants us to believe that. The Lord knows it’s false and continues to call us forward in our walk with Him and others as long as we breathe. It’s easy to fall into the mindset that we’ve lived longer, we’ve read more, we’ve experienced more….so what can the Bible,…

  • Great Blogs,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    4 Blog Posts for Leaders

    Today I want to share these posts I’ve read and found helpful in regards to developing and growing our ministry teams. 1 One of my favorite bloggers is Carey Nieuwhof so I want to share one of his recent posts, 10 Leadership Quotes That Will Get Everyone On Your Team Thinking. This might serve as a discussion catalyst for the members of your team. 2 This second post is specifically to help women’s leaders. Read 4 Keys to Developing Women’s Leaders in Your Church from LifeWay Research to help you raise up women to serve Christ. 3 Another helpful blog to follow is from LifeWay Women. Read this Leading Well/Developing…

  • Great Blogs,  Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    3 Blogs Posts for Living in 2021

    1 Social media today is all over the map: truth, fake news, encouraging, degrading, spiritual, business related, hopeful and concerning. How ever you use social media, Social Media: 7 Tips for Christians from SBC Voices is a great read as you consider your next update. 2 Whether Jesus comes back tomorrow or 50 years for now, we must be ready. Read 4 Ways to Live During End Times by LifeWay Research. This also relates well to the previous post! 3 This last post I will share today is written by a friend and colleague of mine, Christina Zimmerman. Read What Are Spiritual Disciplines to be reminded of how we continue…

  • Beach Lessons,  Blessings,  Generations,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity

    Beach Lesson on Mentoring

    This summer we took our first ever “adult only parents/twin daughters and their hubbys” beach trip. We were celebrating our 50th anniversary and their birthday. We had an amazing week and some great weather. But, not a lot of shells. If you’ve read earlier “beach lessons” blog posts, you may remember my love for shell hunting! One morning our daughter Amanda (who set up the Ninja tent each morning bright and early to get a great spot) was gone about an hour longer than it takes to set up the tent so we began to get a little worried. Then she walked in with a handful of the most beautiful…

  • General,  Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Lessons From Birds

    I want to share a post my animal rehabber daughter Alycia Neighbours shared on Facebook recently. Today at work I was giving our aviary birds their food and water. One of the items is some fresh berries and I usually cut most to bite-sized pieces. Some of the blueberries were pretty small, so I left them whole. In the aviary are four grackles who recently graduated to flying free in the aviary to prepare them for outside life when it comes time for release. As I put the food down, they all four each grabbed a whole blueberry as if it was the biggest prize of their lives. They chased…

  • Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity

    Hard Family Convos

    Recently I was asked to write a post for LifeWay on a subject that I don’t think I’ve really done very well with: Navigating Theological Differences With Your Adult Children. I’ve needed more grace at times for sure, and maybe even more truth at others. So, I polled a group of moms, friends and colleagues to get their insight as well. This post is the result. I pray you will read Navigating Theological Differences With Your Adult Children prayerfully asking God how you are to approach your adult loved ones in a way that draws them to the Truth of Jesus! Thank you for all who submitted ideas to help…

  • Blessings,  Great Blogs,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity

    Hold Loosely

    Hold what loosely? I’ll get to that! God has taught me SO much over the last year. Retirement 4 years ago gave me more time with the Lord each morning than I’ve ever had before…and I have LOVED it! Retirement also has taught me how to live with my husband of 50 years full time…and it’s not all been pretty since it’s the first time we’ve ever lived together 24/7! You can read about that here in this post, Retired Together…3 Issues and 7 Tips. During pandemic, it’s as though retirement has gone to whole other level. Although we have made so much progress in learning to live together well,…