In The First Waking Moments
What happens when you first have an awareness of waking up in the morning? To where or what does your mind turn? A dream you just had? Your overfull to do list? Your cell phone? Your current crisis? Your commute in heavy traffic to work? Your health concern? I’d have to answer yes to all of these at one time or another. May I suggest another option? If we remember Who is in charge of our day, it might prompt us to turn our eyes upward and know Jesus cares about every single thing on our hearts and on our to do list. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Everything others see…
Joining In
Have you ever been sitting on the beach and enjoying the peace of the surf and sun? Next thing you know someone has speakers blaring out music that is not your style? And it’s ruined the peace you were enjoying. I often wonder if they think we all want to listen to their genre of music! But what can you do? Go ask them to turn it down? Give them dirty looks? Just put up with it until you leave the beach? Or, like I found myself doing, do you notice your foot is tapping to the beat? All of a sudden I realize what I’m doing and that I’ve…
Getting Through the Muck
After a month at the beach, you can expect Beach Lessons in my posts! Here’s the first. This year we had a some seaweed just beyond the shore. If it’s out a ways, I don’t mind walking in the shallow water. But walking on and through wet, grassy gunk is not something I enjoy. But, what’s just beyond the seaweed? From the 18th floor balcony of our rental, I get a great look at the clear water beyond the dark mucky stuff. There is a sand bar out beyond as well. It’s shallow enough to stand on and draws many, including me at times, especially when it is clear and…
What I Fear
What are your greatest fears? It’s not often I’ve feared for my life but several memories remind me I’ve had a few. Traveling home from Belize with one of my 10 year old twins as we flew through a terrible storm was terrifying. I was not sure we would make it safely back to Houston. Once in a hotel while traveling for work, someone tried to enter my room. Coming out of a dead sleep I instinctively screamed at the top of my lungs, “Get out!” Last December, there was this ride…and I love big, fast rides. Not this one! For the first time I got off vowing “Never, ever,…
What’s On Your Bucket List?
Have you ever made a bucket list? If so, I’d so love to hear what you put on it! One thing I’ve always wanted to do is sky dive, but I’ve yet to! In 2017, I made a Retirement Bucket List. Here’s a few items on that list: -swim with manatees, dolphins, and turtles -visit beaches that have lots of amazing shells in abundance -visit places near by our city here in Tennessee that we’ve not seen -travel to the last 3 states across our nation that I have not visited: West Virginia, Delaware and Connecticut. Can I just say, I traveled A LOT while I was serving women’s leaders…
The Hope Spring Brings
Wherever you live, do you see it? The green starting to pop out in the trees? The early flowers showing their beauty? I do! I love getting to enjoy my neighbors peach tree each spring without having to take care of it! Spring is absolutely, hands down my favorite season! I cannot tell you what it does to my soul every single spring. In the winter I feel more lethargic, but let the flowers and trees start to wake up, and so do I! My energy finds a whole new level! I hate to say it, but I spend most of the winter waiting for the spring! After multiple losses last…
Are You Aging Gracefully?
I don’t ever want to get “old” at any age. I’ve had a chance to think about this recently to prepare an article I wrote for LifeWay Women, Tips For Aging Gracefully. Enjoy!
A New View
After living 30 years in a 37 year old house, we finally replaced the windows! We have some big windows, which sold me on this house due to all the natural sunlight. But we never realized how cloudy the old ones were until the new windows were installed. The difference is amazing…going from double panes with lots of cross bars in the glass that can’t be cleaned, and needed it, to clear views that look like there is no glass at all. I feel like I can reach out and touch the trees! Because I love being outside and seeing animals behind our house, it feels almost like our den…
A Rocky 2024?
How’s 2024 so far? Is it what you thought it would be? It has not been for me, in several ways. If you read my posts regularly you’ve seen some of my unexpected experiences. I’ve begun to wonder if this is how it will be all year! But God gave me the song “Good Plans” the first of the year and I decided I’d seek to find the good plan in whatever God allowed this year. I just didn’t think I’d have do it this soon! Instead of dreading what is next, I’m seeking to believe His good plans and ask the Lord what He wants to teach me. What…
Conversation Starters for Grandparents
Have you ever struggled to begin and engage in conversation with your grandchildren or great grandchildren? Me too. I’ve done more wrong than right in my attempts. I’m linking you to a post I wrote for LifeWay Women Conversation Starters to Ask Your Grandchildren. Enjoy and add more questions to this list! Banner photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash