Knowing God’s Will Part 6: Lessons From Experiencing God
When you hear God’s voice, have you ever been challenged to walk out a Truth God reveals? It’s so sweet that God not only shows us His Truth, but He invites us to follow that Truth. And He absolutely expects us, at the moment He invites, to obey that invitation!
Last week I shared Reality 3 (scroll back for Parts 1-5): God invites us to become involved with Him in His work.
We start with watching to see where the God is working around us in the normal course of our day. Even Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing.

Another sweet thing God does, is He walks with us continually. He doesn’t abandon us to figure out how to walk out His assignments. Our personal love relationship (Reality 2) with Jesus reminds us He is always with us. Remember, He doesn’t need our opinion about the invitation. He already knows every detail! He wants our obedience!
How loving God is to even involve us at all. He could accomplish all His purpose on earth without any help, yet He chose to let us be a part of His Kingdom work!
I often miss His invitations. But I desperately want to know! When we want to know His will, we need to worship Him! We tell Him who He is. We recite His character, His nature, His names back to Him. We describe Him! It’s throughout scripture! Name Him according to the attributes you see in His Word.
What a promise we see in John 14:21, “The one who has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. And the one who loves me will be loved by my Father. I also will love him and will reveal myself to him.” He wants us to hear His voice!
If you really want prosperity on earth, this is the way! Watch for His work, deepen your walk with Christ, and listen for His invitations to join Him. That’s true prosperity, to live in faith now and to live forever in His presence!
Lord, let us hear You when you invite us to your work! Lead us to obey. The only other response is disobedience. There’s no “later” once you speak! Our opportunities to walk with You in this invitation may not last if we delay. May we not delay in obedience.
Wise words from Dr. Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God:

Next week we’ll look at Reality 4.
Banner photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash