Knowing God’s Will Part 13: Lessons From Experiencing God
What is that step of obedience you could take today to lead to a deeper walk with Jesus than you’ve ever known?
Though Moses started his “experiencing God” story with a burning bush, God did so much more as Pharaoh released captive Israel and they eventually entered the Promised Land. Each time Moses faced a challenge, God was right there to meet the need, and each time he experienced and knew God more. The same can be true for us if we say yes, make adjustments, and then obey what He tells us. We will know his character more as we obey, year after year after year.
Read our last Experiencing God reality:

There is a connection between experiencing Him and our obedience. Servants don’t question their Master, they do what He says. You’ve probably heard the saying, “God’s commands aren’t suggestions”. Servants obey without delay since delayed obedience is still disobedience. May this be our prayer:

Love and obedience are also connected. Otherwise legalism occurs. Love is the only motivation for the assignments God gives us. If we love Him and He is Lord if our lives, we will obey Him.

Like love and obedience are connected, so are obedience and knowing (experiencing) God.

We also see loving God, obedience to His commands, and loving each other are connected. He loved others and told us that his #1 command is to love God with everything we are and the #2 is to love others! It’s all tied together!
Now, nice as it would be to learn the lesson He is teaching us, like a one-and-done, and move on. But with each new word from God, we will be challenged beyond our current level of faith. And we will need a fresh understanding of Him to obey.
It’s the repeated cycle: the more we know God, the more we love God’ the more we love God, the more we obey God. Then we want to know Him more and the cycle continues throughout our lifetime.
Lord, help us know you more, love you more, obey you more, then hunger to know you more. This is how we experience you deeply as we obey your invitations to work with you!
Watch next week for the conclusion of Reality 7.

Banner photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash