Thanksgiving Blessings
Next week I’ll conclude my two part post that began last week: Spiritual Game Changers Part 1. This week I just want to say how grateful I am that you read my musings as I process what God is teaching me and share some thanksgiving encouragement. Three things for finding gratitude: 1 This is a fabulous podcast to prepare your heart for this holiday of thanksgiving from LifeWay Women Marked: Finding the Courage to Celebrate. 2 This is an article I wrote for LifeWay Women recently and am sharing here again. Unpacking Gratitude in Scripture. 3 And this is a Bible study my life group just completed in preparation for…
Formed, Forgiven and Never Forgotten
I recently re-read what may be for some a somewhat obscure passage in the Old Testament. It was for me, but I saw something that warmed my heart as I saw the connection between the Old and New Testament, between Israel and us. Isaiah was prophesying what God told him to say to Israel. He would deliver this rebellious nation from their enemies. He’d made a covenant with Abraham and He would not break it, no matter what they did. The section that stood out to me in Isaiah 44, that I found so comforting, for Israel, and for myself, was in verses 21-23: This reminds them God created them.…
Gratitude In ALL Things
I recently had the privilege of writing an article for LifeWay Women’s The Reference Desk department. The topic was “gratitude.” The timing of the request was designed by God, as it was during a really tough few weeks. Gratitude was not overflowing, but I desperately needed it! I was forced to look at my heart as I studied in preparation for writing this article, and as I prepared to teach my life group using the study Grateful. Banner photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
When God Says No
I am typically upbeat and optimistic, but after this past hard season of loss, I have found myself struggling to find my normal happy self. I even felt some depression which is rare for me. And, this isn’t the first hard season I’ve faced! But this time, when I prayed for God to work a certain way, He said no. That hurt, a lot. So, would I still trust Him? Would I still walk in the truth of Romans 8:28-30? Would I say, His love and goodness are still true? Where would I focus my eyes and look for what sustains in the “even ifs” of life? For a couple…
My Pillar
What guides your thoughts and actions? To whom do you look for wisdom? We can rely on friends and family, and those in our life group, for solid advice, but none have the wisdom that only God provides as we look to Him primarily for daily direction. As I was reading the book of Exodus, I arrived at the passage that includes instructions to the Israelites to follow the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. That way they would know which way they were to travel. As I focused on this passage, I was reminded of the Pillar we have today to guide us…
What is the last experience you had that looked totally hopeless? How did it turn out? Or how has it turned out…so far? For those who know Christ, nothing is beyond His ability to remedy according to His plan, His glory and our good. (See Romans 8:28-30.) In my final week of study of Amos by Jennifer Rothschild, the word “nevertheless” stirred up my absolute love and gratefulness for the “but God” of my faith! Jennifer had us define “nevertheless” (or what I see as “but God”). Looking it up I found it means: in spite of evidence, even so, however, but, be that as it may. This is bad…
How many days a week do you feel blessed? 5 out of 7? 2 out of 7? 7 out of 7? Something new stood out for me as I read (AGAIN) the story of Abraham’s life. It’s a simple verse in Genesis 24. “Abraham was now old, getting on in years, and the LORD had blessed him in everything.” Genesis 24:1 At first glance, it doesn’t appear to be more than a simple comment about Abraham, but something stood out to me that hadn’t before. As I reflected on what he had already experienced as he followed God in obedience, I thought, “EVERYTHING?” What about leaving his homeland and family…
A Breath of Fresh Air
For summer gals like me, winter is long and oh so cold, and my skin oh so dry! So, when I get a day here and there during winter months with sunshine and warmer weather, the kind where I get to go sit (often with #MoDawg) on our deck and look for animals in the woods, I’m there! It reminds me that spring will come, even if not yet! It gives me a moment to just catch my breath, feel the warmth on my face, and breath deeply. At times, I need this reminder of spring. Kind of like in the middle of a long season of strife or just…
A “Don’t Worry” Reminder
At the end of 2022, I got a call from my doctor’s office about needing some follow-up scans to ones I’d had a few days prior. Not a call you want to get right before Christmas…or anytime really. Unfortunately, they couldn’t schedule the scans until after the first week of January. My first thought was, “I have to go through the holidays with this on my mind? Wondering if there is an unexpected something that will change my life in 2023.” Yes, I would have to go through Christmas and New Year’s celebrations without knowing if something was wrong. Then, I remembered another time, years ago, when I got a…
More First of the Year Thoughts
How are you are at memorizing scripture? I remember when Beth Moore wrote the study, James: Mercy Triumphs. She challenged those who did the study to take the plunge and memorize, along with her, the entire book of James! I was in my late 50’s and thought, “there is NO way.” Well, there IS a way. Because I like an impossible challenge occasionally, I decided to try it. It took over a year to get it, but it happened. So don’t say you are “too old!” Since then, I have continued to memorize chunks of scripture. I was challenged, at the beginning of 2023, by the last part of my…