Who’s Driving?
Have you ever ridden a tandem bike? I have many years ago and I remember there is an unsettling feeling of letting go of the control of the ride completely to another person. Not always an easy thing to do, right? If you have ever taught someone to drive a car, you know that same feeling. This is illustration Jennifer Rothschild shares in her study I am in the middle of right now. I’ve read and studied Psalm 23 many times but this new perspective she shares is from her own personal place of struggle and growth, and it is powerful! Just in case you do not know, Jennifer is…
Ministry to Women…Then and Now…4 Things to Consider
Last November at the LifeWay Women’s Leadership Forum I had the privilege to do a short video on the changes I’ve seen over the 40+ years of working with women in and through local church. Two aspects have changed greatly, as I mention in that video: fixed structure versus organic (continually evolving) ministry and events versus Bible study as the main focus. Structure: When I first began working with women in the church, we focused on how to structure a multifaceted ministry to reach various generations, life stages, and experiences of women. We had big org charts that showed who led the ministry. Then the next level showed leaders who…
SO Many Ways to Mentor!
The girls in our family are true animal lovers. In fact, I once planned to be a veterinarian when I grew up until I figured out I’d have to deal with blood and pain. I can’t stand to see animals hurt! Unlike my daughters though, my husband and I live in a one dog home where our daughters each have zoos living in theirs! Recently my daughter, Amanda Dugger posted the following “puppy” update on Facebook: “So I have heard my mom say for years (since I was little) that it is so important for the older women to guide the younger women. I agree but I have always been…
God’s Word for You Next Year
First of all, I pray you had a wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth with your friends and family. Now that Christmas Day has ended, let’s think about next year. I’ve shared before that instead of making new year’s resolutions, I watch for God’s Word specific to me for the year, whether it’s one word or a song or a scripture. In 2018 the word was “selfless” (along with a song He gave me). You can read this post from last year if you’d like. I had no idea how hard it would be to seek to become more selfless! And I have so far to go on this one I think…
What Will I Leave Behind?
I’ve just completed reading Hebrews in my chronological Bible reading plan, F260, written by my pastor and his wife, Robby and Kandi Gallaty. Once again I am reminded so much of what we leave behind as a heritage. Yes, I’ve written on this topic more than once and you see it threaded through many of my posts as I ask: how can we take what God is teaching us (even the tough times) and pass it on to others. But reading Hebrews again tells me that we CANNOT ever get over what Jesus has done for us corporately and personally through His Gospel. Hebrews 11 lists so many men and…
What is THIS?
Have you ever said that? “What is THIS?” You feel blinded by the situation as though a veil covers your eyes and everything you once saw clearly is dimmed in a strange fog that is your new reality. Something happened that completely took you by surprise. Something that you could’ve NEVER prepared for ahead of time. Something you think is impossible to live through or even figure out how to navigate. I bet you can say yes to that. Probably more than once you’ve felt this way as I have. Maybe so many times you’ve said it that you’ve lost count. If you are like me, your first thought is…
Being Woman
Often we conjure up certain pictures in our mind of what it means to be a female. Perhaps your mind goes immediately to frills and lace over a dainty girl. That only describes ONE type of female. At times we may think we are “less” than the opposite sex, while others see female as “better”. When we look at God specifically creating male and female in the Old Testament book of Genesis, it’s not about better or less. It’s about completing, not competing. This is true whether you are single or married. Men and women as a whole need each other, often BECAUSE of our differences. One of the things…
When Holidays are Hard
I decided since the holidays begin in full swing this week, I’d link you to a post I wrote for LifeWay Women, Celebrating Holidays With a Prodigal Child. I pray this ministers to your heart if you are in a difficult season as you face the holidays. God knows your hurt and He knows you hurt. Trust Him as He walks with you through your story. Banner photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash
Feeling Like a Failure?
How often to you feel like a failure? Daily? Yearly? Have you ever thought about how God can use our failures to move us forward in Him? Today my daughter Alycia is again blogging for me. I know you will be blessed as she shares her recent feelings of failure. This picture popped up in my TimeHop from 6 years ago and caused a whole slew of emotions. Six years ago I got my first very own horse. Amadeus was a tad nuts and not the right fit, but he started the passion of riding again. I have struggled through the past 6 years of trying to find the right…
Where is That Reef?
There is a man-made reef on the gulf where we love to vacation. I often see snorkelers swim out to see it. To find it, I have to kayak out from the shore, then line up a yellow triangle in front of a blue rectangle. Then I paddle out hoping to find it and the fish it attracts. Sometimes I find it right away, and other times I don’t find it at all. At times, I just know I’m right over it, but the water is murky or the waves make it impossible to see the reef. OK, if you know me well or have read past posts on this…