More First of the Year Thoughts
How are you are at memorizing scripture? I remember when Beth Moore wrote the study, James: Mercy Triumphs. She challenged those who did the study to take the plunge and memorize, along with her, the entire book of James! I was in my late 50’s and thought, “there is NO way.” Well, there IS a way. Because I like an impossible challenge occasionally, I decided to try it. It took over a year to get it, but it happened. So don’t say you are “too old!” Since then, I have continued to memorize chunks of scripture. I was challenged, at the beginning of 2023, by the last part of my…
New Year’s Blessings
Thank you for reading my posts in the past. I am so grateful if anything the Lord is teaching me ministers to you. Truly, what you read is not what I’ve mastered, but what He is teaching me, often for the hundredth time! I pray that this coming year, the Lord will use me to continue serving and encouraging you. No matter what we face in the months ahead, glorious joy or the depth of despair, Jesus will walk with us through it all. We will be changed, and we will become stronger in our faith, if we will trust Him completely, even in pain and fear. We will learn…
Looking Ahead
Do we intentionally make faith more difficult than it is? Sometimes I wonder? As I’ve thought about 2023 and looked ahead as to how I need to grow and make changes, I’ve been drawn back to the “simplicity”, or rather maybe I should say, the single focus, of our faith that leads us to change and growth. In Exodus and Deuteronomy we find God’s 10 commandments given to Moses and all of Israel. The first command, if we get it right, makes all the others possible. Do not have other gods besides me. Exodus 20:3 Sometimes I think I focus on all the others and forget how foundational this really…
2022 Beach Lesson
So after years of hearing from the Lord when I’m at the beach (just click the “Beach Lessons” category for evidence!), I don’t always hear “new” things, but sometimes I hear old things in a new way. This year that happened. I heard something I know, but with a fresh visual. It came to me in a variety of ways: through a couple of books I was reading, and by watching the shoreline. Life has had lots of twists and turns this year, mostly unexpected ones. Some painful. Some just a nuisance. But even as I’ve waited for resolution and healing, I’ve known that God was in control and had…
Sharing Great Small Group Leader Blogs
I want to share with you two great posts from LifeWay to help you as a small group leader. Next week I will share a “beach lesson” from our vacation. 1 Leading Well/Questions Good Leaders Ask from LifeWay Women. If you lead a small group of any kind, you will find this article helpful. 2 4 Ways to Arrange Your Small Group Bible Study Room from LifeWay Research. Sounds easy to figure out, but read this with your purpose in mind and see if your normal set up supports that purpose. Banner photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
LifeWay Research Articles
I often read and share information and posts from LifeWay Research and that is the case today while I am on vacation. 1 Having stayed a baby Christian for a number of years after my salvation, my heart is all over topic of spiritual growth, and anything to do with discipleship. Here is an article that will encourage you to invest in young believers: Spiritual Development: Helping Believers Grow Beyond Newborns. 2 This second article helps you understand why it is so important to encourage women to study the Bible. If they do not understand who God is and why it matters to their daily walk, they will not know…
Vacation Podcast Share-Experiencing God
I don’t know how many of you did the study Experiencing God when it was first released in 1990 but I did. It brought a new level in my study of God’s Word and in understanding how God works in our lives. I understood the Holy Spirit better and began to walk in deeper faith. Over the years it has continued to change millions of hearts and now it has been re-released this year including free video access. My women’s life group is going to do this after the first of the year and I cannot wait. I’m excited to see how those who are new to the study will…
Vacation Blog Share
I am on vacation in September so will be taking a little break from blogging. But, I have 2 great posts from other bloggers to share with you today. Enjoy! 1 How well is your church reaching single adults? Read some statistics in this article from LifeWay Research: Pastors Encourage Single Adults, Some Provide Targeted Ministries, written by Marissa Postell. Take a look at these statistics and ask God what He wants you to do to reach your singles. 2 What does your prayer time look like? Has it become routine or maybe even dull? Read Ideas On How To Spend Your Prayer Time from LifeWay Women written by Tessa…
My Soul’s Longing
Something occurred to me recently regarding why I want others to know Jesus and why my heart for discipleship has been a calling now for about 40 years or so. Because it was quite a few years between my salvation and the first time someone personally discipled me and showed me how to grow in Christ, I do not want that to be the story for other new believers. Some days, even during difficult seasons, my time with the Lord just causes my soul to soar and all I can think is, “I so want others to experience this satisfying joy.” A joy that transcends earthly concerns and pain. The…
Read These!
Read this post from LifeWay Research regarding recruiting volunteers. I’ve used this method for 30 years, so much better than picking people for positions, which I’ve also done! A New Approach to Volunteers: 5 Tips for Getting a “Yes” in a Culture of “No” How’s your leadership heart doing? Find out here from one of my fav podcaster/bloggers Carey Neiuwhof. 7 Early Warning Signs Your Heart Is Growing Hard in Leadership Although leadership is not always fun and easy, when God calls us to do it, we want to do it to the best of our God-given ability even when it’s hard! The amazing blessings of serving are worth any…