Friday’s Encouraing Message
This week I had the blessing of writing posts for encouraging.com. Each day I will link you to that day’s message. Please sign up to receive encouraging.com posts daily Monday through Friday throughout the year. You will be blessed weekly by various authors. Enjoy! Please see link to Friday’s post Battling Your Giants. Thank you for allowing me to share these with you this week. I pray you have been greatly encouraged, no matter what is going on in your life presently. Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash
Thursday’s Encouraging Message
This week I had the blessing of writing posts for encouraging.com. Each day I will link you to that day’s message. Please sign up to receive encouraging.com posts daily Monday through Friday throughout the year. You will be blessed weekly by various authors. Enjoy! Please see link to Thursday’s Do What He Says . Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash
Wednesday’s Encouraging Message
This week I had the blessing of writing posts for encouraging.com. Each day I will link you to that day’s message. Please sign up to receive encouraging.com posts daily Monday through Friday throughout the year. You will be blessed weekly by various authors. Enjoy! Here’s the link to Wednesday’s post God Fights For Us. Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash
Monday’s Encouraging Message
This week I had the blessing of writing posts for encouraging.com. Each day I will link you to that day’s message. Please sign up to receive encouraging.com posts daily Monday through Friday each week. You will be blessed weekly by various authors. Enjoy! Here is the link to Monday’s post, Waiting In The Wilderness. Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash
Always In A Hurry!
Scottish missionary Mary Slessor said, “Christ was never in a hurry. There was no rushing forward, no anticipating, no fretting over what might be. Each day’s duties were done as each day brought them, and the rest was left with God.” How does that hit you? I remember reading this and thinking, why can’t I be like that? Truth: Jesus was unlike any other human since He was also God. But I think He was trying to teach us something. Before I retired, I recall that most days, I left the office thinking I should have gotten more done. Often, I took work home in those pre-remote work days! In…
Thieves of Peace
Have you ever had something of yours stolen? When I was in 3rd grade, my family came home from out of town to find our house had been robbed. It was a house with an attic that could be accessed in the garage or the house and you could go from one end to the other once inside. I made my dad get up there to look to make sure the thief wasn’t hiding there! After that, I was never again comfortable in that house. I was glad when we moved away within a year! Not only were my silver dollars and $2 bills taken, so was my sense of…
A Week of Devotions
Recently I had the honor to write 5 devotions for Encouraging.com, which I do quarterly. This week I decided to link all 5 in this post. Feel free to read one a day, all at once, or at your leisure! I pray they bless and encourage you! Breathing Worship Small Yet Mighty Tear Down to Build Up Writing the Word Your Holy Ground Banner photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash. Inset photos used from Encouraging.com
Sun and Clouds Together
I love all beach sunrises, even gray days, because…well, we’re at the beach. But my absolute favorite is a combination of sunshine AND clouds.There’s just nothing quite like the beauty of seeing the colors as sunshine peeks through the clouds. Only a creator God can design this kind of beauty. As I watched these views, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the beauty that comes through the sunny joy filled days AND the gray seasons of life as well. Romans 5:3-5 reminds us that … we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope…
Joining In
Have you ever been sitting on the beach and enjoying the peace of the surf and sun? Next thing you know someone has speakers blaring out music that is not your style? And it’s ruined the peace you were enjoying. I often wonder if they think we all want to listen to their genre of music! But what can you do? Go ask them to turn it down? Give them dirty looks? Just put up with it until you leave the beach? Or, like I found myself doing, do you notice your foot is tapping to the beat? All of a sudden I realize what I’m doing and that I’ve…
Be Alert to Satan’s Tactics
My pastor is preaching through Revelation this year and as we got to chapter 12, we studied John’s vision of spiritual warfare in the heavens and the earth. Another quote from my favorites list (see past posts) is by one of my former presidents at LifeWay, Thom Rainer, who said, Satan has a simple agenda…to keep people lost. But another tactic of his is to keep saved people ineffective as disciples. Pastor Robby Gallaty recommended a book by C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, and since I hadn’t read it, I ordered a copy. It truly exposes how subtle the devil is and how naive we can be about how…