Knowing God’s Will Part 4: Lessons From Experiencing God
Have you ever considered whether you pursued God for a relationship or if He pursued you? We talk about “running hard after Jesus” and how we have to accept His offer of salvation, but have you thought about why? Or where it all starts?
Reality 2 for Experiencing God is this: God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal. (Please check out parts 1-3 in this series, Knowing God’s Will.)

Our relationship with Jesus doesn’t start with us. It starts with God. Through the Holy Spirit our heart desires a Savior and seeks to walk with Him, but that is not of our own initiative.
This explains the difference between a religion and a relationship! God starts the relationship process because He loves us.
Gratefully He doesn’t love us because we deserve it. In fact the only way God ever relates to us is in love because it is who He is. It’s impossible for Him to relate any other way.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, God still pursued a relationship as He asked them why they were hiding and what they had done. Then he sacrificed an animal (the first recorded blood sacrifice in Scripture) to cover their nakedness, representative of shame. He loved them and did not abandon them when they disobeyed.
God pursued Moses and spoke audibly through a burning bush, calling Him by name. Moses didn’t have the Bible or the Holy Spirit within to lead and guide Him, but God spoke anyway! Normally we never get to hear God’s audible voice, but we do have His Word and the Holy Spirit to tell us who He is and who we are!

How’s your love relationship with Christ going? It takes time to develop this kind of relationship as you get to know the Author of love. He has specifically created you, even with all the things you’d like to change! Spend quality, priority time with Him daily to get to know Him, then you will hear from Him in a personal and unique way that fits exactly how and why He created you.
A love relationship with God is both extremely personal and practical. This is probably the most important factor in knowing and doing the will of God. If your love relationship with God isn’t as it should be, nothing else will be in order. It’s essential that you’re in a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Henry Blackaby
When we walk intimately with Jesus, we ARE in His will and we will hear Him speak to us!
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