• General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Strength as We Mature

    If you haven’t read the other posts in this series, you can read those here: (1), (2), and (3). This post is a follow up and the final post in this series. I’m very encouraged by the church trend predictions from Carey Nieuwhof 10 Predictions about the Future Church and Shifting Attendance Patterns especially these two: If this is true, are we ready as church members and as disciplemakers to serve selflessly? Do we just continue to do Bible study after Bible study without our lives being transformed as a result of what we are studying? Are we leading women’s Bible studies in this way? If so, it’s time for…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    More Spiritual Maturity Indicators

    The last couple of weeks, we’ve looked at the need for discipleship and some indicators of maturity as a disciple. Today I want us to consider as few more indicators. Some time ago, Kathy Ferguson Litton, Director of Planter Spouse Development at the North American Mission Board, wrote a blog post (What Spiritual Maturity Really Looks Like) on this subject and I’ve adapted from that post for us to consider this list of indicators. Some of these I’ve personally experienced and wondered why. Now…evaluate your own growth using this assessment. How many of these can you answer “true”? For those you struggle with, pray for God to help you take…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    The Look of Maturity

    For a caterpillar turned butterfly, we know what maturity looks like. There are stages of growth that we recognize if the larvae is growing properly inside its encasing. If you need a refresher science course, I found this interesting video showing how this happens,! We know what to expect for the butterfly-to-be. What about spiritual maturity? It’s not so cut and dried is it? If we are to grow as a disciple of Christ and become a disciple maker, as Matthew 28:18-20, instructs us, then we must assess whether growth is happening or not. So what are some things we are to look for? Let’s ask ourselves if we are…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth

    Is Discipleship Optional?

    I just finished a weekend leadership training and my topic was discipling women. We looked at what spiritual maturity looks like and how to disciple women into the future. SO, I want to ask you the question in the title. “Is discipleship optional?” If you’ve read this blog for very long you may have seen me write about not being personally discipled when I became a believer as a preteen. I had no idea until my early 20’s that there were “NEXT” steps to take after salvation. These steps have nothing to do with receiving salvation and everything to do with understanding salvation and living for His purpose, not mine.…

  • Blessings,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Lessons from a Goat…and Other Things

    So last week I blogged on the current Bible study I am doing by Jennifer Rothschild, Psalm 23 . You can read it here. Today, something that happened on Valentine’s Day has prompted me to write again on what I learned this week through that study and through my daughter. My kids are often “fodder” for this blog and today is no different. So, we deliver Valentines to our grands late in the day on February 14. Just wanting to bless these grands with more sugar and lots of hugs, we were not expecting to be greeted with a crisis with Fred, the goat. (I know we are studying sheep…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  What I'm Reading

    Who’s Driving?

    Have you ever ridden a tandem bike? I have many years ago and I remember there is an unsettling feeling of letting go of the control of the ride completely to another person. Not always an easy thing to do, right? If you have ever taught someone to drive a car, you know that same feeling. This is illustration Jennifer Rothschild shares in her study I am in the middle of right now. I’ve read and studied Psalm 23 many times but this new perspective she shares is from her own personal place of struggle and growth, and it is powerful! Just in case you do not know, Jennifer is…

  • Blessings,  Generations,  Spiritual Growth

    SO Many Ways to Mentor!

    The girls in our family are true animal lovers. In fact, I once planned to be a veterinarian when I grew up until I figured out I’d have to deal with blood and pain. I can’t stand to see animals hurt! Unlike my daughters though, my husband and I live in a one dog home where our daughters each have zoos living in theirs! Recently my daughter, Amanda Dugger posted the following “puppy” update on Facebook: “So I have heard my mom say for years (since I was little) that it is so important for the older women to guide the younger women. I agree but I have always been…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    How Are You Serving Jesus in 2019?

    If you are a type A personality you probably aren’t looking for a “new” place to serve Christ. In fact you may be looking to let go of something. As we look ahead to a new year, perhaps this is time to ask God what HE wants us to do. Often, I assume what I am already doing is part of His plan. Closing one year and looking into the next is a perfect time to re-examine the ministries we are involved in outside our own homes.  In John 15:16, as He addresses Christlike love and serving as He desires, Jesus says: “You did not choose me, but I chose…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    God’s Word for You Next Year

    First of all, I pray you had a wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth with your friends and family. Now that Christmas Day has ended, let’s think about next year. I’ve shared before that instead of making new year’s resolutions, I watch for God’s Word specific to me for the year, whether it’s one word or a song or a scripture. In 2018 the word was “selfless” (along with a song He gave me). You can read this post from last year if you’d like. I had no idea how hard it would be to seek to become more selfless! And I have so far to go on this one I think…

  • General,  Generations,  Spiritual Growth

    What Will I Leave Behind?

    I’ve just completed reading Hebrews in my chronological Bible reading plan, F260, written by my pastor and his wife, Robby and Kandi Gallaty.  Once again I am reminded so much of what we leave behind as a heritage. Yes, I’ve written on this topic more than once and you see it threaded through many of my posts as I ask: how can we take what God is teaching us (even the tough times) and pass it on to others.  But reading Hebrews again tells me that we CANNOT ever get over what Jesus has done for us corporately and personally through His Gospel. Hebrews 11 lists so many men and…