• Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    More Lessons From Hurricane Sally

    I’m till processing and learning from our experience of riding out Hurricane Sally. This is the third, and probably (although I’m not promising) the last post on this.  I’d encourage you to read the first two posts (Part 1: Peace Over the Storms, here  and Part 2: My Cornerstone here) before you start this third post. Sometimes it takes a while to process an experience and see God’s hand in it all. I believe with all my heart God is sovereign and not one thing happens without His permission as well as His purpose. So I’m warning you, this is not a short post since I process God’s lessons partially…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    MY Cornerstone!

    Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash As I write this series following Hurricane Sally, I’d love to encourage you to read the first post, Peace Over the Storms, here before you start this second post. When a building is constructed, it has what is called a cornerstone to make it secure and give direction to the building. It unites two masonry walls and is the starting place for construction. It’s absolutely essential, or indispensable, to the building. Personally, I am so grateful for the cornerstone in the 18 floor (we were on 16) condominium we were in while on vacation in Perdido Key when Hurricane Sally chose make landfall in…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Peace Over the Storms

    Normally, by now, during our extended time at the beach each fall, I’ve had a number of “beach lessons”. Until today (September 14, the day I began this post), this year I’d not had what I consider a beach lesson, although I’ve had lots of balcony Jesus time. This morning, this was the scene I watched as tropical storm Sally was about  to become hurricane Sally. This is the third coastal hurricane we’ve experienced, but it’s not something we ever look forward to by any means! Waves were crashing and, yet, I felt safe sitting on the 16th floor balcony of our condo looking down at the churning water. All…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial,  Waiting,  What I'm Reading

    Are You Listening???

    Do you ever wonder if God hears our cry for Him to do something? Perhap’s it’s been a long season of praying and not seeing any answers. Do you think, maybe He’s not listening, maybe He doesn’t know, maybe He doesn’t want to fix this? I think the real problem isn’t whether or not He hears us, but whether or not, we hear Him. Too often, I just miss His answers, or maybe I’m just not intentionally looking for them. And I too often look only for answers as I want them to appear! Daily we see people listening intently through ear buds of one kind of another. We put…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    The Sting of Thorns

    Today’s post is written by one of my daughters, Alycia Neighbours (see bio below). She has written a number of posts on my blog and is an amazing writer who shares her journey and her faith with many. I know you will be touched by this message. Chris One of my children is in crisis. Not a “I have nothing to wear to school” crisis, but very serious. I’m currently at a total loss, so I went to the barn because that’s where God will usually meet me and help me sort through the blur of emotions. When I arrived I found my horse covered head to toe in burrs.…

  • Blessings,  General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Thankful in Hard Times

    I had another post ready to go this week, but decided instead, to share a message I was asked to teach at a women’s event this past Saturday. I realized it was timely for this week of Thanksgiving. I even taught this last minute to my Sunday women’s life group at church the following morning. I’m so grateful I got to share God’s truth alongside my own journey of faith. As I prepared for this message, I had such a sweet time of reflecting on how faithful God has been to me all my life and how much I have to be thankful for. Teachers always learn more than their…

  • Beach Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    When We Fall Down

    Beach Lesson #2, 2019 One morning while sitting on the beach, I saw a women walking down the shoreline. But on her return trip back, she appeared somewhat unstable as she walked on the edge of the surf right in front of where we sat. I kept watching her, and sure enough, she fell and began rolling in the water unable to get up. My husband and I jumped up and ran over to help her stand up and fish her sunglasses out of the water. Once she was standing again, we asked her if she was okay. She said yes and, after we advised her to walk on the…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Embrace God’s Faithfulness

    This is last in a 4-part series on embracing God’s attributes. Here you can read part 1, part 2 and part 3 here. Everything that God has promised will come to pass. His faithfulness guarantees this fact. He does not lie. What He has said in the Bible about Himself is true. He will honor His promise that our sins will be forgiven and that we will live forever with Him. He will never leave us, no matter what. We are told in Deuteronomy 7:9,  ”Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    What Does it Take For Your Heart to Burn?

    My Bible reading this week, took me to Luke 24. I love the new insights the Holy Spirit gave me as I studied the passage this time. This is resurrection morning, so imagine being one of Jesus’ followers and what you might be experiencing that day. I want to make two points I believe the Lord said to me that morning. Take time to stop here and read that chapter if you can. Make a note of anything that refers to something that is bright, light, or fire-like. First the women, who came to anoint Jesus’ body, saw two dazzling men! Or, as the Bible states: “two men stood by…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Does God Really See Me?

    How alone do you feel right now? Isolated completely? Perhaps isolated in a crowd? Do you wonder if anyone really even notices you are in the crowd? I tend to enjoy alone time at this stage of life. This desire to pull away from people and “cocoon” began when my work/ministry life began to become so fast paced and began to involve lots of people…groups small and large. My cocoon time became a cherished respite to be quiet and to recharge for the next busy rush of life. But too much isolation would bring great loneliness and unhealthy living. Then there are times we are in the middle of a…