Are You Blooming?
I wrote on a similar topic a while back, Grow Through What You Go Through, but the day I took this photo, I was sitting outside on the deck having time in the Word and kept looking at this new flag on our deck. I loved the vivid colors, but more than that I want to do what this says. All that God was saying to me lately came together in this thought, bloom where you are planted. There are some things I am not really happy about right now, but can’t do anything about. So, this thought is especially poignant. In John 15, Jesus teaches His followers how essential…
The Timeliness of God’s Word
Sometimes it seems the Lord is silent, but other times He just floods you with common thoughts as you are facing challenges. He did that (again) recently. I was finishing up the the two connected studies. Seven Realities for Experiencing God by Richard and Henry Blackaby and Experiencing God, upon which Seven Realities is based, also by the Blackabys and Claude King. I’ve spent weeks being reminded of how God speaks and calls us to work with Him, as well as making adjustments it takes to obey! In facing a tough relationship circumstance, I’ve been asking God to show me how to obey in the situation. I’ve also been walking…
Knowing God’s Will Part 14: Lessons From Experiencing God
Ever feel like you just need a second chance? So did Moses, David and Peter! God often gives second chances. Moses made mistakes but delivered Israel to the edge of Canaan. Abraham lied about who Sarah was. Jonah ran from God’s assignment. David committed adultery. Peter denied Christ. Saul persecuted Christians. God used each one for His purpose anyway. But, consequences of our sin can be very costly. Moses got to see the Promised Land, but did not get to enter it because he dishonored God in front of all Israel. God still uses us even if we mess up but He desires our quick obedience. Blackaby said, When God…
Knowing God’s Will Part 13: Lessons From Experiencing God
What is that step of obedience you could take today to lead to a deeper walk with Jesus than you’ve ever known? Though Moses started his “experiencing God” story with a burning bush, God did so much more as Pharaoh released captive Israel and they eventually entered the Promised Land. Each time Moses faced a challenge, God was right there to meet the need, and each time he experienced and knew God more. The same can be true for us if we say yes, make adjustments, and then obey what He tells us. We will know his character more as we obey, year after year after year. Read our last…
Knowing God’s Will Part 12: Lessons From Experiencing God
After my husband and I surrendered to ministry (see last post), the devil tried to redirect us. The enemy does whatever he can to stop us from adjusting to God’s plan. The song Sovereign Over Us comes to mind, especially the lines that say: “even what the enemy means for evil, You turn it for our good and Your glory.” This is where trust kicks in. Stop and listen to that song if you can. Scroll back to part 11 for a refresher on Reality 6 in the Knowing God’s Will series. Adjustment means sacrifice. Sacrifice costs something, for you and those around you. Earlier in my walk with Jesus,…
Knowing God’s Will Part 11: Lessons From Experiencing God
Are you a planner like I am? Do you expect your plans to come to fruition like you thought? Sometimes, I prefer my plan to what God is putting before me. But when God interrupts, He expects me to make the adjustment to His plan. And sometimes His plan is much harder than mine! If you’ve been following this Knowing God’s Will series, you should see a pattern. If not, please start at Part 1 for clarification. After facing the crisis of belief alongside God’s invitation to join Him in His work, the ball rolls from God’s court to ours. The first 5 realities begin with “God” and His work…
Knowing God’s Will Part 10: Lessons From Experiencing God
Start with Part 9 from last week, if needed, before reading Part 10. Read Reality 5: God revealed to Joshua and the Israelites what He was going to do as they took that first step, not what they could do. That is how God works through us as well, if we are following His purpose for our lives. Why does He work this way? He doesn’t need us to bring about His purpose. But, we grow to know Him more as we experience Him working in and through our lives. He pursues a love relationship with us that fits us perfectly (see Reality 2, Parts 3-4) as He involves us…
Knowing God’s Will Part 9: Lessons From Experiencing God
NOTE: For realities 1-4 (Knowing God’s Will parts 1-8), please read earlier posts. What is your initial reaction when you know you’ve heard from God, but it doesn’t make sense? It’s beyond your capacity to do? It’s not in the area of you giftedness, strength, or comfort zone? Read Reality 5: “The first thing you do after you hear God’s voice is critical…what you do next reveals what you believe about God.” (Henry Blackaby) At this point you have to make a decision. Blackaby calls this a “crisis of belief.” Do you believe God can accomplish His will in and through you, or not? You have 2 options: obey or…
Knowing God’s Will Part 8: Lessons From Experiencing God
How has God spoken to you lately? Remember Reality 4 from last week? As we continue to study the Word, we pray for clarity from the Lord. But what happens if we ask for one thing, & God opens a different door? Blackaby says when this happens, he finds God always has more to give than he asked for! He prays for God to cancel any request that is not His will! I love Priscilla Shirer’s version of this. We will see in Reality 6, when God works differently than we expect, we must adjust to His plan. Sometimes even His silence speaks loudly. Even Jesus had silence in the garden,…
Knowing God’s Will Part 7: Lessons From Experiencing God
How does God speak into our lives today? In the Old Testament it was through burning bushes, prophets, casting lots, loud wind & gentle whispers. In the Gospels, God spoke through Jesus. From Acts to today He began speaking through the Holy Spirit. Remember…the most important thing is not how He spoke but that He spoke! God speaks in ways we can understand so we know Him & His plan. Sometimes I miss the fact that He wants a personal love relationship with me (See Reality 2) when I’m seeking His will about something. I focus on the earthly answer more than Him! See below words from Henry Blackaby. As…