In His Image
I’m preparing to speak at Judson Baptist (Brentwood, TN) for a women’s retreat as I write this. When you read it, it will be in the past. But it has caused me to ponder and study about how we are to be mirror images of Christ as we reflect Him to the world around us. In Genesis 1, we read that man and woman are created in God’s image. We are His image bearers all our lives. The question is, how well are you and I doing this? Do we desire to do this? The only way we can do this well is to know who God is. John Calvin…
Christmas Peace
Whenever I’m asked, “What’s your favorite name for God,” without hesitation I say, “Prince of Peace.” I praise Him for many other attributes, but this one comes to the top of my mind immediately. Perhaps it’s because I not only have peace with God eternally through Christ, but I also have experienced unexplainable peace on earth in some of my life’s toughest circumstances. I’ve just started LifeWay Women’s The Wonder of Advent study to prepare my heart to focus more fully on Christ during the hurry of Christmas. This week’s topic is hope. That’s the foundation for my peace, and I’m thinking it may be yours as well. I’m also reminded…
I started this train of thought last week in When It Makes No Sense. Today, I want to share 7 follow up treasures He has given me, and how I am getting those insights. I do not like waiting for answers…just ask my former co-workers! I’m just not good at waiting. And right now…waiting is where I am. But in the waiting, the Lord ALWAYS shows up. These things occurred (and this time I was listening!) in a weeks time. And even though resolution has not yet appeared, He has shown up, every single day! 1 I read the phrase “don’t hurry through the heartache” alongside Romans 8:28, “We know…
When It Makes No Sense
It was one of those days. I’d been dealing with something heavy on my heart. Something that just isn’t how things should be. This led me to look at others and wonder why my situation couldn’t be fixed like their situations seem to be. This day, as He does often, God spoke in various ways as I spent time with Him on my deck. I started with the song, Sovereign Over Us, one I listen to especially when I just need the reminder of His sovereignty over EVERYTHING. Take a listen. My Bible reading then took me to John 21 and the conversation Jesus had with Peter, after He told…
As Long As I Breathe
Have you ever heard an illustration used over the years and thought, “that makes sense and helps me understand” some spiritual concept, only to later find out it’s not a correct illustration for that concept? That happened to me this past week. I have so much to learn, even at 70 years of age, and almost 50 years of studying the Bible! Right before I run across my life finish line, I’d love to have a Bible in my hand saying, “hey, did you know this is in scripture?” Then I can take my last breath and wake up in the presence of Jesus! But until then, I’m still learning.…
The Aroma of Sacrifice
Many of you know I read scripture chronologically year after year. The beauty of repeatedly reading the Bible this way is that there are always new revelations, new principles I’d not seen before, and many new connections I see throughout scripture between the Old and New Testaments. The thread of the Gospel all the way through from Genesis to Revelation becomes much more obvious to me year by year. As I was recently reading Exodus 30 one morning, something struck me that I’d not noticed previously. Verses 34-38 tell us God gave very exact details for the formula of the incense that would be used in worship within the tabernacle…
Even More Blogs!
I’ve took a bit of a vacation break and have been sharing some wonderful blogs from other writers. Then I took a break from that break to blog on our Hurricane Sally experience. Here is the third in this series, sharing some wonderful and helpful posts. Enjoy these today, as well as these and these that I shared earlier. Wait and See: What My Infertility Taught Me About Faith Having experienced infertility, I can say, yes and amen to this. Leading Better Discussion in a Group that is Meeting Online Articles like this have helped me lead an online life group…something I’d never prepared for! Savannah was in my D-Group…
More Blogs to Enjoy
I’ve taken a bit of a vacation break so have been sharing some wonderful blogs of other writers. Enjoy these, as well as these from last week. Leading Well: Plan for a Successful Fall Ministry Season This fall may look different from any other this year. Are you ready? 12 Ice Breakers and Ideas to Shake Up Your Digital Meetings Admit it, Zoom can get old. Try these! Your Mental Health Matters It’s true, this year has been difficult for everyone. How are you doing? Top 10 Worst Zoom Habits. For many of us, Zoom has been a new way to communicate and build community. We could ALL use these…
Blogs to Enjoy
During September I am taking a little writing vacation, but I want you to keep reading great blog content, so I am going to share some posts I think will be a blessing! Use Care Groups to Stay Connected During COVID-19 Here are some ways to use what you’ve learned during the quarantine that you may continue to use even after the pandemic. 5 Things Younger Leaders Can’t Stand About Older Leaders No matter your age, you are older than someone! It may hurt to hear these, but it never hurts to listen! The 21-Day Invitation: Steps to Reconnect to God We all struggle sometimes in our daily walk with…
Created for Purpose
We are told in Genesis 2 that God formed man from dust…of all things! Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 Later we are told in chapter 2 that He made woman from the man’s rib! So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. Then the Lord God made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to…