In His Image
I’m preparing to speak at Judson Baptist (Brentwood, TN) for a women’s retreat as I write this. When you read it, it will be in the past. But it has caused me to ponder and study about how we are to be mirror images of Christ as we reflect Him to the world around us.
In Genesis 1, we read that man and woman are created in God’s image. We are His image bearers all our lives. The question is, how well are you and I doing this? Do we desire to do this?
The only way we can do this well is to know who God is. John Calvin said “…without knowledge of God there is no knowledge of self. “ Author Elizabeth Woodson echos his words:“Before we can fully understand who we are, we have to understand who God is, specifically what He has revealed about Himself in Scripture.”
This takes commitment to spending time in His word. The next step is to reflect Him as we do what He says and as we share Him with others.
What we look at most is what we tend to reflect. Let’s commit to spend time in scripture to know who God is. Then as we are told in James 1, let’s be women who DO what we HEAR Him say to us. Let’s go against the push of worldliness to live holy lives and reflect the One who enables us to do it.
Let’s be mirror images of Him as we reflect His light in our dark world.
A great resource on this topic is In His Image by Jen Wilkin. Here is the blog review I wrote on this book, What I’m Reading…In His Image.

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