• Great Blogs,  Leadership Lessons,  What I'm Reading

    Leadership Blog Share

    I’m sharing 3 great articles to start off 2022 as you serve in a ministry role! Enjoy! 1 Read Kelly King’s LifeWay Women Leading Well Ministry Trends to Know About in 2022. Great insight and thought provoking. 2 We all get tired in ministry. We also question if what we teach is biblical truth or it is just our opinion or interpretation. Make sure you are using God’s wisdom as you teach and lead. Read Ministry Leaders Pay Careful Attention to Your Teaching by Eric Geiger. 3 Read this LifeWay Research article Restarting and Refocusing Women’s Ministries for the New Normal. I pray your year will be filled with His presence…

  • Great Blogs,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    Blog Share for the New Year

    If you are looking for some ways to strengthen your time with the Lord, check out these great posts! 1 Here are some great ideas for starting the year off right with your study of the Word from LifeWay Women, 5 Ways to Reset in 2022. 2 How do you start your morning? Set an example of the power of starting the day in the Word! Leaving a Legacy of Bible Reading, from LifeWay Voices 3 Most of us struggle to memorize scripture, but if I, at 70, can memorize, YOU CAN TOO!  Check out these helpful, practical ways to memorize, also from LifeWay Voices in The Diary of a…

  • General,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    A New Year…And?

    I just reflected on where my thoughts and heart were this time last year. Here was my new years post then, What’s Ahead. Now I’m looking into 2022 and wondering again what this year will bring. We cannot predict this new year anymore than we could 2021. We aren’t allowed perfect predictions of the future. We have no idea the wonderful experiences we will have, nor the pains and losses. We can make plans, we can dream and pray, but only the Lord sees every day of 2022 completely. So, what do we do? Simply put, yet so profound, is that we trust the sovereignty of The One who does…

  • Blessings,  General,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Christmas Blessings!

    My prayer for each of you is that you end 2021 with joy in your heart, no matter the circumstances you are in this Christmas, knowing our Sovereign Christ understands and has purpose. And I pray you anticipate growing deeper in your walk with the Lord in 2022. May you truly experience His peace over your life this Christmas. Banner photo by Toni Cuenca on Unsplash