
  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity

    We Never Stop Learning

    Whoever said we can put down our “books” and cease learning and growing at a certain age is just plain wrong!! We do not get to say, now that I’m (you fill in the blank) years old, I know it all and I can say and do anything I want…like we have it all figured out. The enemy of our lives wants us to believe that. The Lord knows it’s false and continues to call us forward in our walk with Him and others as long as we breathe. It’s easy to fall into the mindset that we’ve lived longer, we’ve read more, we’ve experienced more….so what can the Bible,…

  • General,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    A New Year…And?

    I just reflected on where my thoughts and heart were this time last year. Here was my new years post then, What’s Ahead. Now I’m looking into 2022 and wondering again what this year will bring. We cannot predict this new year anymore than we could 2021. We aren’t allowed perfect predictions of the future. We have no idea the wonderful experiences we will have, nor the pains and losses. We can make plans, we can dream and pray, but only the Lord sees every day of 2022 completely. So, what do we do? Simply put, yet so profound, is that we trust the sovereignty of The One who does…

  • Blessings,  General,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Christmas Blessings!

    My prayer for each of you is that you end 2021 with joy in your heart, no matter the circumstances you are in this Christmas, knowing our Sovereign Christ understands and has purpose. And I pray you anticipate growing deeper in your walk with the Lord in 2022. May you truly experience His peace over your life this Christmas. Banner photo by Toni Cuenca on Unsplash

  • Blessings,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial

    When It’s Hard

    We’ve just celebrated Thanksgiving and have been challenged to stop our busy lives for a season of remembering all we have to be thankful for. Yes, most of us have also overindulged in amazing food and fellowship as well. Perhaps your perfect family around the Thanksgiving table was less than perfect. Maybe it was even painful. Maybe you were alone How are we thankful when it’s hard? We know the passage: …give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 When we are struggling, fearful, hurting, criticized, or humbled in some way, being thankful is not normally the first thing we think…

  • Beach Lessons,  Blessings,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    His Love Rushes In: Fall Beach Lesson 2021

    Can you handle just (maybe) one more beach lesson from our trip in September? If not, just shut this post down! So, the last couple of days we were at the beach, it was misty some days, and socked in at times with clouds. But we decided even without perfect beach weather, we really enjoyed just being by the water, hearing the waves, and reading. So we got on the beach for at least for part of those days. I interrupted my reading at times just to watch the waves continue to hit the shore time after time after time. I’ve shared previously about the constant wave action reminding me…

  • Blessings,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    When It Just Won’t End!

    What else? How long? Have you asked that once or twice in the last couple of years, the last couple of weeks, as I have? Jut about the time things seem to be healing or changing, a variant COVID pops up. Then world events just take our breath away. Add to that personal crises, several friends who are in a health fight for their lives, on and on. Seriously? What’s next?…I guess the same thing that I wrote about so recently in He Speaks, before the last couple of “issues” mentioned above popped up. So this is how that morning a couple of days ago played out as I did…

  • Beach Lessons,  Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Beach Lesson #2

    As I shared my beach lesson on mentoring with Amanda (please read that post first, Beach Lesson on Mentoring) , she told me she got something totally different from that experience of finding shells. So this is her take on it. Amanda’s thoughts are in italics and my comments follow. 1 Our lives are like shells. How many come to the shore completely shattered. Only a few come whole. Most have broken pieces.  Perhaps you are a broken shell yourself. Can you trust God for your healing? Maybe you know broken people, can you be a source of encouragement and healing for them? 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Blessed be the God…

  • Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity

    Hard Family Convos

    Recently I was asked to write a post for LifeWay on a subject that I don’t think I’ve really done very well with: Navigating Theological Differences With Your Adult Children. I’ve needed more grace at times for sure, and maybe even more truth at others. So, I polled a group of moms, friends and colleagues to get their insight as well. This post is the result. I pray you will read Navigating Theological Differences With Your Adult Children prayerfully asking God how you are to approach your adult loved ones in a way that draws them to the Truth of Jesus! Thank you for all who submitted ideas to help…

  • Blessings,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Videos,  What I'm Reading

    Telling Her Story…Look What God’s Done!

    Today I want to encourage you to take some time to just sit with the Lord as you read this post and as you worship the Lord. May this encourage and bless you beyond measure. Some of you know a bit of our family story if you’ve read this blog for very long. I recently wrote a post and linked you to a podcast one of my daughter’s and I did, Praying Your Prodigal Home. Here is Sharing Our Prodigal’s Story, along with the podcast link, if you missed it. Today, I am going to link you to this same daughter sharing her testimony video her church showed recently. A…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    How Does God Whisper to You?

    Last week I wrote Whispers and Shouts as a way to introduce Whisper, a book I recently read by Mark Batterson. This week I want to share some thoughts about 7 of the ways God speaks to us that the author shared in his book. Here are those 7 ways along with a brief description: I believe this is a healthy list of ways to hear God speak to us, although as the author states, there are many others. Often God will use more than one at a time to get a point across to us. If we do not read Scripture daily, how do we know if what we…