
  • Trial,  What I'm Reading

    A Grace Disguised

    While at the beach recently I read Jerry Sitser’s book,A Grace Disguised . This is a transparent journey with a man who lost his daughter, wife and mother in a tragic car wreck. It was a head on with someone driving under the influence. Jerry must then figure out how to seek God in the midst of trying to be both mother and father to his three other young children. As the subtitle says, Jerry shares “how the soul grows through loss”. While he never seeks to compare his loss to anyone else’s, he shares the struggle of finding a good God in the midst of such pain. The main focus  of…

  • Events,  Lessons,  Trial

    3 Lessons from Jonah

    Did you know there are at least 2 documented cases (Baxter, Explore the Book) of men swallowed by sharks or whales who lived to tell about it? Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:39-40 prove to us that the story of Jonah is more than a fairy tale! What can we learn from his life and experience? Jonah’s life was interrupted by God’s assignment to him to tell the city of Nineveh to repent. When we read the book of Jonah we see what happens to a man whose life was interrupted. What would yours be? Do you like interruptions? I don’t. But that means I am not open to divine intervention.…