The Joy You Need
In preparing for Christmas a friend and I are studying Joy to the World from LifeWay Women.

The very first day of the study I was made aware of a connection between Genesis 1 and Matthew 1 that I had not ever noticed. This is also the opening of the Old Testament and the New Testament! In Genesis God created. In Matthew, the genealogy of Jesus, who existed at creation, shows the Old Testament connections to the New and reveals how God fulfilled all the prophesies about the Messiah in the Old.
The writer of this day of study said, Jesus’ birth was not God’s backup plan. We see in Matthew 1, the birth of Christ is the fulfillment of God’s plan…His plan from Genesis 1:1, In the beginning, God created….
The joy the shepherds felt that night is one we can possess today, no matter what circumstances you are currently experiencing. Because joy is not based on your circumstances, but on your Savior.
Perhaps you needed to hear this today. There are no accidents under God’s sovereign hand, not just regarding Jesus, but in our lives as well. As you walk in faith, you bring His light to our world, a world desperate for His hope.
As you sing Joy to the World this Christmas, concentrate on the word JOY as you reflect what this means for you, then reflect that to others who need joy.
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