Who Hates Disruptions?
Task oriented people like me! You know, gotta get the job done…today…now! No matter what. What about you? All of us have experienced them. Most of us do not like them. Over 2 years ago the entire world experienced disruption to life as we had known it. In addition to the pandemic, many others also experienced a disruption in their good health, close relationships, face-to-face community we relied on, satisfying jobs, and income that goes with that. And this is the short list. Some experienced continual losses, one after another, along with, and in the middle of, the pandemic. But, what if, for whatever reason, this was God’s plan for…
Easter & Romans 8:28
As you celebrate Easter, remembering what Jesus has done for you through His crucifixion and resurrection, I just want to challenge you to consider Jesus’ obedience and the truth of His Father’s plan in light of Romans 8:28. If it’s true that…. We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. …then, we know Jesus truly understands what it is to do what God asks, no matter how hard it is. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane for a different way to accomplish our salvation, but submitted to His Father’s “no” to this request so that…
Reading Recommendation
I am an avid reader and often share what I’m reading on this blog and on social media. If I can inspire someone else to READ, I am a happy girl, especially when I find amazing writings. Today I just want to recommend two memoirs that will touch your heart and that are surprisingly connected…as I just discovered! The first is Elisabeth Elliot’s memoir published after her death using her journals. I’ve read and loved her for over 30 years, and wrote about this book in Who Are You Becoming? I asked her to speak to the women at my church in the early 90’s and her spiritual depth blew…
He’s Got the Power!
Do you ever waver in your belief in someone? Someone you normally would trust? Have you ever wavered in your trust in God? You know He has all power and wisdom, that He is sovereign, faithful and good, that nothing surprises Him. But sometimes you…just forget? Me too. My Bible reading today included Romans 4. Verses 20-21 became a lifeline to me in a difficult time in ministry years ago. A time when I was just over it, didn’t want to continue. I sought God’s direction of whether to walk away from this ministry position, or stick it out, but couldn’t get a clear answer. Then one day, this verse…
Genesis to the Cross
You know how you know something, but then someone else writes a comment that just makes you think, “How could I forget that?” That happened this week as I was reading the end of the book of Mark in my NT260 Bible plan. Here’s the comment that made the connection between creation and the cross again for me: “With His death on the cross Jesus paid God’s penalty for the sins of the world, sins that required a blood sacrifice to purify sinners. On the third day, He rose from the dead and defeated death–the ultimate consequence of sin.” Foundations New Testament Did I already know that? Yes. Did I…
More Good News About the Wait!
Mostly on this blog I just bring you into my daily walk with Jesus and what He is teaching me. So, welcome to one morning with Him! Don’t you love it when the Lord gives you a particular glimpse of truth in a variety of ways. One day last week, my devotional and 2 books I am reading carried a common message relating to the “wait.” I recently wrote, in He’s Still the Same , about trusting Him in the difficult waiting times, as we reflect on His past faithfulness. Then last week, He reminded me again, why He doesn’t reveal all His mysteries to us right now. In my…
He’s Still the Same
Today a friend shared a song with me that I’d never heard. It is Just As Good. Maybe it is one you are familiar with, but I wasn’t, and I fell in love with it. Please listen and watch this video. I hope this encourages you as it has me. I only need to remember the past faithfulness of God to walk into each day, especially when things are hard. Here is part of the refrain that spoke loudly to me: And I will build an altarAnd stack it stone by stone‘Cause every Ebenezer says I’ve never been alone I looked up the definition of Ebenezer and this is what…
Christmas Blessings!
My prayer for each of you is that you end 2021 with joy in your heart, no matter the circumstances you are in this Christmas, knowing our Sovereign Christ understands and has purpose. And I pray you anticipate growing deeper in your walk with the Lord in 2022. May you truly experience His peace over your life this Christmas. Banner photo by Toni Cuenca on Unsplash
When It’s Hard
We’ve just celebrated Thanksgiving and have been challenged to stop our busy lives for a season of remembering all we have to be thankful for. Yes, most of us have also overindulged in amazing food and fellowship as well. Perhaps your perfect family around the Thanksgiving table was less than perfect. Maybe it was even painful. Maybe you were alone How are we thankful when it’s hard? We know the passage: …give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 When we are struggling, fearful, hurting, criticized, or humbled in some way, being thankful is not normally the first thing we think…
Empty Nest? What’s That, and How Will I Handle it?
When I married at 19, then had twins at 25, I never even considered this question. But, it’s never too early to realize, for those who have children, that this day would, and should, eventually become a reality. Today, I am sharing with you a post I wrote for LifeWay Women. I pray this will encourage you to see this stage as something amazing and wonderful. Pray and ask God what you need to begin doing TODAY as you think about empty nest! Banner photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash