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    Grand Girl’s Camp Crisis & God’s Provision

    If you have read this blog for long, you’ve been introduced to my daughters, Amanda Dugger and Alycia Neighbours. Alycia has written several blog posts for me, and today you will read another one. Our family lived alongside Alycia through the stories you are about to read, one 8 years ago, and the other this summer. She has such a powerful way of showing how God works in and through each situation and I know you will be blessed by today’s post: Yesterday (heck this whole past week) has been a bear. This time of year is always hard as we approach the anniversary of when my late husband took…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Wilderness Temptations

    After 7 months in the Old Testament, my D-Group just moved into the New Testament using NT260. I read this week, once again, about Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness right after His baptism and His pubic ministry began. I began to try to put the temptations the devil used with Jesus into current application for my life. The enemy continually seeks to pull our focus from what God has called and commanded us to be and do for Him. Perhaps you can relate to one or more of these that I identify with. You can find this series of temptations in Luke 4:1-13 (also found in Matthew 4:1-11, in a…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Opposition to Building Walls

    Has God ever given you an assignment that you were so excited about you shared the idea with others so they could be excited too? Even join in on the work of the assignment? Did it go so smooth and problem-less? Or did you hit some snags? Yeah, it happened to Nehemiah too. After the Babylonian captivity, the temple had been rebuilt (also with opposition to the work) and now the wall around Jerusalem was also being repaired. As I was reading chapter 4 in my chronological Bible plan recently, I was reminded once again that God’s work will be opposed. The enemy is always watching for ways he can…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Prayer, Not Outrage

    I’m somewhat on a roll on this issue of praying for revival and restoration rather than responding with frustration or even anger at the lost world around us. Feel free to read the two previous posts here and here. As I’ve committed to pray an hour each week for revival (2 Chronicles 7:13-15) for myself, believers and the lost, I’ve wondered about how to focus my time. In my chronological Bible reading plan, I’d already read through Daniel and Ezra, then today read Nehemiah. So, I chose three prayers from the Old Testament, each focused on restoration for the people of God…the place to begin as we admit our own…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  What I'm Reading

    Humility and God’s Hand

    Having recently read the book of Ezra again, I was struck especially by two things. How God’s hand was on Ezra as He taught truth and Ezra’s humble prayer for the Israelites and himself. Since I am a teacher at heart, Ezra 7:10 has always been special to me: “Now Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel.“ Ezra was returning with the second wave of Israelites, who had been given permission by Persian King Cyrus, to go back to their city, Jerusalem. The temple had been rebuilt but the worship was still not right.…

  • Beach Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  What I'm Reading

    I Blew It…And Yet

    On a recent Sunday morning, my husband and I left our house at 7:30 a.m. to attend worship. Normally there is little traffic at that hour. At the stop light to get out of our neighborhood we saw emergency lights and a couple of police officers stopping traffic. I knew we had a race that Sunday, actually a triathlon, but had no idea that every single way out of our subdivision would be blocked…for 30 solid minutes! The longer we sat there, the madder I got. How could they expect us to just sit there and not move until every single biker went by in front of us and then…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    Corrie’s Legacy

    When have you read something an author wrote (besides the Bible) that just gripped your heart and maybe even made you cry? Perhaps you watch how someone loves Jesus and you just want to know and love Him that deeply. I believe God doesn’t give us these testimonies to condemn us, but to challenge us to grow in our walk with Him. That has been my response to my re-reading of The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. If you have not heard of or read this book, please get a copy! Although I sometimes dislike reading about the painful past of wars in history, and I especially hate what…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity

    When Social Media Isn’t “Social”

    Have you ever been misunderstood, criticized or even attacked on social media? It’s painful, is’t it? It’s frustrating when someone assumes they know your intent better than you do. Without hearing the sound of our voice, a person doesn’t really know how we said what we said. Often we think that our own opinion is the only one that is correct and assume we know what is best for someone else. I was on the opposite side of this coin recently. Someone asked a question whether we’d ever had a man in our lives who has encouraged our leadership as a woman. I responded with the name of a former…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    Daily Nurture

    I love this time of year and being able to have color on my deck! I spend a LOT of time out here and though I’m not a great gardener, I love flowers. During this season, I must water these daily, even twice a day on a couple if it’s really hot and dry. If not…they look like this! You can see what happens if I neglect to nurture these beautiful flowers daily. It also remind me of what happens in my spiritual life if I neglect to nurture it continually. In John 15 we see the image of being attached to the vine and being severed from the vine.…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity

    Teamwork That Works!

    We have quite a menagerie behind our house that includes deer, squirrels, rabbits, birds, ground hogs and sometimes a fox. So we enjoy watching nature at work before our eyes. This past week I was working in my home office and heard my husband Pat say, “Well, that’s something I’ve never seen before!” When I asked what he’d seen, he said it was a squirrel scampering off with a peach in his mouth. Our neighbors have a peach tree that we have watched grow for several years, so that squirrel found himself a treasure. We’d noticed that although there had only been peaches hanging ON the tree and none on…