• Lessons,  Social Media Fast,  Spiritual Growth

    Living For the “Like”: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #2

    I wonder how many of us post on social media and just wait to see how many “likes” we get. Kind of opens a pandora’s box doesn’t it? Of course, we post things we think are interesting or funny, but do we do it just to get those likes? Should that be the motive for posting updates? This is the second (read the first here) in this Social Media Fast series of lessons from my daughter Alycia’s week long social media shut down. She has allowed me to share some of the things she learned. I pray these will cause you to stop and think about why you use social…

  • Blessings,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    He Is The Light!

    Are you facing darkness right now? Are you struggling to see the light you long for? Even the short winter days can become discouraging, not to mention the year 2020 filled with so much turmoil! Interestingly, the shortest (darkest) day of the year is just a few days before we celebrate Jesus birth! I started O Come O Come Emmanuel, an advent study, right after Thanksgiving. This week the focus was the light Jesus brought to the world. Can you even imagine how dark the world was as God stayed silent for 400 years! Complete darkness! Because of sin. Since the garden, people sinned and couldn’t figure out a way…

  • Blessings,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Indescribable Joy

    Sometimes during the holidays I really miss not having parents to “go home to”, but I love being the parent my kids and grandkids come to for the holidays. Just once in a while I wish I still had parents too! Our last parent died in 2009, but it was several years before that when we stopped having a parent’s home to return to for family get togethers. So, holidays include both joy and a bit of sadness. Today I read Mark 12:24-25 a new way, “Jesus spoke to them, “Isn’t this the reason why you’re mistaken: you don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God? For when they…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial

    Sharp Rocks or Beauty?

    Here is another post by guest blogger daughter, Alyicia Neighbours. God speaks to her in the dailiness of her life and she shares those lessons with such wit and depth. I am thrilled to share this post as I pray you will see how God so wants you and me, especially in this busy holiday season of parties, baking and family (in addition to work, home, church, etc.!), to focus on the beauty around you rather than the “what ifs” and “uh ohs” of life. May you rest in Him this “Christ”mas! God shows me a lot of life lessons when I’m with my horse, Hondo. It could be because…