Yet, Hope
Although I don’t always write on suffering and loss, and I certainly didn’t plan on this third post in a row on the subject, it seems that is just where I am right now. (You can read Part 1 and Part 2 here if you like.) This past week, I’ve been saddened by two friends with cancer and another who lost her husband. Since we just celebrated Easter and the resurrection of Christ, I’m extra sensitive to His presence and of “garden pain” He experienced in Gethsemane. The picture of Christ sweating drops of blood and asking for a different outcome shows us how to approach pain and loss. We…
Transformation or Transfiguration?
I said I might post again on Elisabeth Elliot’s book published after her death, Suffering is Never for Nothing, and this is it. (You can read the other post here.) The final topic in this book is “Transfiguration.” Elisabeth said she chose this word instead of “transformation”, although they are so similar. Both words indicate a change. Both, for Christians, mean change that causes us to be conformed to the image is Christ (Romans 8:29). She thinks “transfiguration” “implies an aspect of glory that is not always implied with the word transformation.” I’d really not ever thought about that before. I love this image of a boy on a ladder…
When You Can’t Explain Suffering
Perhaps you are in a place of suffering right now, asking God “why?”. Maybe you are in a sweet place currently, but you remember being in past crises that caused you to try to figure out the “why?” of the situation. All of us will probably face another “why?” moment, or many of them, before we take our last breath. I haven’t even finished Elisabeth Elliot’s book published after her death, Suffering is Never for Nothing. But I want to encourage you to read it! Elisabeth clearly explains in chapter 3, her choice to believe God and accept suffering as a part of following Christ. To be honest, I have…
Sharp Rocks or Beauty?
Here is another post by guest blogger daughter, Alyicia Neighbours. God speaks to her in the dailiness of her life and she shares those lessons with such wit and depth. I am thrilled to share this post as I pray you will see how God so wants you and me, especially in this busy holiday season of parties, baking and family (in addition to work, home, church, etc.!), to focus on the beauty around you rather than the “what ifs” and “uh ohs” of life. May you rest in Him this “Christ”mas! God shows me a lot of life lessons when I’m with my horse, Hondo. It could be because…
When Holidays are Hard
I decided since the holidays begin in full swing this week, I’d link you to a post I wrote for LifeWay Women, Celebrating Holidays With a Prodigal Child. I pray this ministers to your heart if you are in a difficult season as you face the holidays. God knows your hurt and He knows you hurt. Trust Him as He walks with you through your story. Banner photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash
Feeling Like a Failure?
How often to you feel like a failure? Daily? Yearly? Have you ever thought about how God can use our failures to move us forward in Him? Today my daughter Alycia is again blogging for me. I know you will be blessed as she shares her recent feelings of failure. This picture popped up in my TimeHop from 6 years ago and caused a whole slew of emotions. Six years ago I got my first very own horse. Amadeus was a tad nuts and not the right fit, but he started the passion of riding again. I have struggled through the past 6 years of trying to find the right…
Surrendered, but NOT Defeated!
I wrote an earlier post on surrendering all we are to Christ. You can read I Surrender here. Today I want to address surrender without defeat. If you are a believer, you should never surrender to defeat! Why? Because as a believer, we are NEVER without hope, no matter what you are facing. Let’s just be honest…life is hard! Sometimes our own decisions cause us difficulty. Sometimes it’s the decisions of others. And often, it’s the work of the enemy whose job is to seek to keep believers living in defeat. Since he cannot change our eternity, he wants to cause us to live as though we have no hope as…
Restoration and Redemption
Today’s post is written by one of my daughters, Alycia Neighbours, who is blogging for me as we enjoy an extended vacation. You will be touched by her honesty and willingness to help others as a result of her own journey: The prodigal son had reached such a desperate place of despair, he humbled himself to return to his home hoping to be treated as a slave and therefore better than where he had found himself. The lost lamb finds itself separated from everything familiar due to its wandering and bleats out longing for rescue. I was at my rock bottom. Separated from my family, having no friends and…
Contentment..No Matter What Part 4: Transformational Steps
This is the last of this series on contentment, and can I say that even this weekend, after teaching on this at a women’s event Friday night, I’ve been challenged to stand on what I believe about contentment. You can read part 1, part 2, and part 3 if you missed those. Then come back and let’s get practical! We must remember, we do not have the whole picture..but God does! Paul understood this. He said in Philippians 4:11-13, “I don’t say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself. I know both how to make do with little, and I know how to make do…
Forgiving the Devil in Pew Number Seven…What I’m Reading
Forgiveness…what does that word conjure up for you? Forgiving a child or spouse for hurting you? Forgiving a driver who cut you off? Forgiving a predator or abuser? Forgiving a church member or minister for betrayal? When I think of the things for which I’ve forgiven others, I must say they seem small and petty compared to the reasons why Rebecca Nichols Alonzo and her brother had to forgive their mother’s murderer as well as the man who wreaked havoc in their lives for years. I just finished reading, in tears, The Devil in Pew Number Seven by best selling author Rebecca Alonzo. I have never seen a more beautiful picture of biblical…