What I'm Reading
In His Image
I’m preparing to speak at Judson Baptist (Brentwood, TN) for a women’s retreat as I write this. When you read it, it will be in the past. But it has caused me to ponder and study about how we are to be mirror images of Christ as we reflect Him to the world around us. In Genesis 1, we read that man and woman are created in God’s image. We are His image bearers all our lives. The question is, how well are you and I doing this? Do we desire to do this? The only way we can do this well is to know who God is. John Calvin…
Starting My Day
Last week I wrote In The First Waking Moments about where our mind goes to when we first wake up in the morning. This week I want to share with you some things that help me focus as I start my time with the Lord after rising and getting a cup of coffee. In retirement I have more time than I’ve ever had before and love it, but I realize many of you are not retired! Here’s what I do, though not always all of it depending on how much time I can spend that day: *Read and sing the lyrics to a worship song as I to settle my…
Because He Came
After walking through advent season and looking forward to Jesus’ second return to earth, and having written a previous post, What If He Hadn’t Come, I was compelled to write this one. Because He DID come, we have been given an assignment. In my final week of Joy to the World (LifeWay Women), the focus was Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8: go and make disciples and teach them everything Jesus taught. We will be witnesses wherever He takes us. That is our purpose on earth. Whether we do that as employees, parents, siblings, neighbors, or ministers. Because He came, we are sent! Jesus came to bring salvation and His last words…
What If He Hadn’t Come?
Have you ever thought about that?: What if He hadn’t come to earth? Picture with me a world today without Jesus in your life.. Does it look bleak? Hopeless? Not worth living? Now, how does it feel knowing He did come? Hopeful, purposeful, bright even on dark days? Does your heart overflow with gratefulness? We just celebrated Jesus’ birth and are looking toward a new year, but let’s consider before we do, what if He hadn’t come. In week 2 study of the Joy to the World from LifeWay Women, I pondered this question. Immanuel, God With Us, did come, changing everything. It gave us not just joy, but unending joy. …
Where Are You Looking?
As I continued my study of Joy to the World from LifeWay Women, we looked at Simeon’s and Anna’s time with Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem. Imagine being in the temple night and day serving God and waiting for the Messiah. Both Anna and Simeon were looking for and recognized Jesus, the Messiah, as soon as they laid eyes on Him. They rejoiced and thanked God aa they worshiped Him. Simeon said to the Lord, Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace, as you promised. For my eyes have seen your salvation (Luke 2:29-30) Anna’s words are not recorded but scripture says, At that very moment, she…
The Joy You Need
In preparing for Christmas a friend and I are studying Joy to the World from LifeWay Women. The very first day of the study I was made aware of a connection between Genesis 1 and Matthew 1 that I had not ever noticed. This is also the opening of the Old Testament and the New Testament! In Genesis God created. In Matthew, the genealogy of Jesus, who existed at creation, shows the Old Testament connections to the New and reveals how God fulfilled all the prophesies about the Messiah in the Old. The writer of this day of study said, Jesus’ birth was not God’s backup plan. We see in…
Small Group Blog Share
The LifeWay Women’s Leadership Forum was this past week Thursday-Friday (join us sometime!!) and I have a speaking engagement on Saturday. Since time is short, I’m sharing some small group helps for you leaders! 1 This first post is from LifeWay Research. Sign up to receive their updates! This article has some great tips for enlisting small group leaders. 13 Principles for Enlisting Group Leaders 2 This next post, also from LifeWay Research, shares how to create great icebreaker questions. 6 Elements of a Good Icebreaker Question 3 The last post from Vanderbloemen is how to lead not-so-great small groups! 5 Characteristics Of Lame Small Groups 4 Whether you are…
Leader Blog Share
This week I want to share some helpful blog posts for you as a leader. As you serve and lead teams, you must invest in your own growth and in your leadership skills to lead well. 1 This first post is from Ron Edmonson. It’s a great assessment of how you lead or whether you frustrate your teams. 7 Ways to Frustrate Your Team as a Leader 2 This second post is by Charles Stone. We all want to connect well with our team and others we lead in the church. Here’s some great tips to consider as you serve. How to Be a Likable Leader 3 This last post…
Cast…Because He Cares
How many times has someone said something, or you read a quote, and it stopped you in your tracks? I love to read and I read a lot! I also love to listen to podcasts and attend conferences to continue to grow as a person and especially as a follower of Christ. Years ago I began collecting quotes so I wouldn’t lose them and decided to share these on my blog in a new series I’m calling Favorite Quotes. So, here is the first: If God cares for you, why need you care too? Can you trust Him for your soul and not for your body? He has never refused…
From Garden to Garden
In finishing up my current D-group with a special celebration, we discussed the end of the Bible as we read through Revelation. I’m not surprised anymore by new things God reveals through reading His Word over and over. Sometimes it’s something completely new to me, or understood at a deeper level. Other times, it’s a timely reminder of something I already knew. That’s what happened as I read Revelation 21-22 this time. My thoughts turned to the idea of “garden to garden.” What was revealed through John’s revelation was an indescribable new heaven and earth. Similar to the newness the original garden was to Adam and Eve, the new garden…