• Great Blogs,  Leadership Lessons,  What I'm Reading

    Posts for the Leader

    Sometimes I’ve struggled with how much or how little to share personal as I’ve led. Whether we are using social media, sharing one-on-one or in a group setting, we need to be wise. I’ve always been a pretty transparent person, sharing what is going on in my life as I’ve led. But I also have tried to use discretion, wanting to be sure I didn’t hurt another person by what I shared. I didn’t always get it right. This is a great post by Carey Nieuwhof you must read: The Fine Line Between Oversharing and Undershare as a Leader. LifeWay Research provides many helpful posts for leaders. This one refers…

  • Generations,  Leadership Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Discipleship For Women

    If you’ve read my blog in the past, you are probably aware of my love for discipling women. It challenges me to keep learning and growing in my own walk with Christ, and to learn from the women I disciple. Their hunger keeps my own hunger for the Word fueled and my walk with Jesus strong. This week I am linking you to a post I wrote for Get Strong Ministries as a part of their Discipleship Leader Training. On this page (under video session 3) click Leading a Women’s Discipleship Group to read. If you have a heart for discipling women, I pray this will encourage and strengthen your…

  • Generations,  Great Blogs,  Leadership Lessons,  What I'm Reading

    Helpful Blogs for Current Times

    The church, and people of faith, are seeking to share the hope of Christ in a world that seems to be falling apart. People leaving their faith, sometimes in later years of life, violence occurring every day, hopelessness on every corner. It’s tough to lead when we feel overwhelmed. I pray these blogs will encourage and challenge you to endure in the place the Lord has called you to serve. 1 You have heard much about what women in the church need today. Here are some key issues that must be in place to reach and disciple women effectively. Check out What the Church Must Provide Women in Today’s Culture…

  • Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Is Spiritual Growth Individual or Corporate?

    Last summer we enjoyed Olympic sports, my favorite being gymnastics. As I watched the trials earlier, I began to think about both team and independent competition in the Olympics. Both were opportunities to excel and represent their countries. Olympic competitors want to do well for themselves individually, and for their teams, all under the flag of their represented countries. I see a correlation of this line of thought to our spiritual growth as you can see by the title of this post. And, the answer is yes and yes! We must grow spiritual individually, time alone with the Lord is one way we will hear from Him as we study…

  • General,  Generations,  Lessons

    Who Are You Training? Yes, YOU!

    So, if you read this title and thought, “this doesn’t apply to me”, you are wrong. “But”, you say, “I’m not a leader.” Again, you are wrong! Answer this: are you serving anywhere? maybe at church? in your community? in your family? do you hold down a job? are you teaching a class? are you seeking to live out your Christian faith on a daly basis? If you can say yes to any of those questions, then…you ARE a leader! SO, now that we have that settled, my next question is this: Who are you training to take your place?  “Hold on….take my place? I like my place! Besides I…