• Blessings,  Struggle and Loss,  Trial

    Between the Holidays

    Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is quickly approaching. How’s your heart? Ticking along at a steady pace, or beating out of your chest in this holiday season. Perhaps some of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you look forward to Christmas even though you have shopping, decorating and cooking to do.  Photo by Element5 Digital on StockSnap Others may have had a very tense Thanksgiving and the thought of another family gathering is more than you can even begin planning. Maybe you are missing someone who is no longer a part of your holidays due to broken relationships, geograhical distance, or death.  Does your job, kids holiday activities, or purchasing and…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth

    A Short Fuse

    Being Scotch-Irish through my dad’s side of the family, I grew up seeing a short fuse in action. And I inherited that short fuse! For a long time I just blamed it on my family background. But eventually, the Lord convicted me of my impatience and quick response of anger.  I’m still learning about patience, but over the years I have seen God’s work in helping to lessen my quick, hot anger. One day I came across this quote from an unknown author:  The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence. Quite convicting. Proverbs 29:11 says… A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man holds it…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth

    A God Assignment: Eyes on Others

    Where are you right now? What neighborhood do you live in? Where do you work? Who do you Iive with and are responsible for? Where do you shop? And what’s on your heart? What have you learned? Who do you often pass by and hardly notice? Questions worth considering from time to time. Chris Tiegreen said: God has not placed us where we are simply for the output we can produce, whether at a factory, at a desk, at school, or at home with children. He has put us there because that is a context in which He wants to display Himself. Really? At my nail salon? In my workplace? Within…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Test

    Be Alert to Satan’s Tactics

    My pastor is preaching through Revelation this year and as we got to chapter 12, we studied John’s vision of spiritual warfare in the heavens and the earth.  Another quote from my favorites list (see past posts) is by one of my former presidents at LifeWay, Thom Rainer, who said, Satan has a simple agenda…to keep people lost. But another tactic of his is to keep saved people ineffective as disciples.  Pastor Robby Gallaty recommended a book by C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, and since I hadn’t read it, I ordered a copy. It truly exposes how subtle the devil is and how naive we can be about how…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Test

    Something Better

    Unanswered prayer. A loss you can’t wrap your head around. A betrayal from someone you thought loved you. A life threatening health diagnosis. How do you handle this type of experience?  My answer would have to be: different ways at different times and in different life phases. Even when I struggle to hold on to hope, my goal is to find a way to trust what I know is true about the Lord’s love and faithfulness.  George Muller once said, Our heavenly Father never takes anything away from His children unless He means to give them something better.  Priscilla Shirer prays it this way: God give me what I ask…

  • Spiritual Growth,  Texas Legacy Tour

    Texas Legacy Tour Part 3: Life’s Influencers

    Do you have a mentor, someone who influenced your life spiritually, that you cannot imagine not having in your life?  This is part 3 of our Texas Legacy Tour, so read the previous posts to catch up! One sweet part of the trip was the opportunity to see some amazing people we’d known, served alongside, raised kids with, and matured spiritually with from the time we married until we left Texas for Tennessee. Mentally I began making a list of women who touched my life. Some are with the Lord, others still living. Going all the way back to my first years of marriage, I remembered a woman who showed…

  • Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Texas Legacy Tour,  Trial

    Texas Legacy Tour Part 2: Tearing It Down

    As I begin part two of this Texas Legacy Tour Series, I can’t help but reflect back on the biggest shock I had.(Please read to Part 1 if you haven’t read.)  I grew up in Houston and lived in a home from 6th grade until I married at 19. Eleven years ago, I was in Houston for a convention and drove out to the location. Thinking it might be less than I remembered, or run down, I was pleasantly surprised that it looked as good, maybe even better than when I lived in it! They even got grass to grow in a shady spot my dad never been able to…

  • Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Texas Legacy Tour,  Trial

    Texas Legacy Tour Part 1: The Trip Begins

    Perhaps it’s my age, although I’m not old! It’s a state of mind more than chronological years! But I think back over my life a lot these days. One of the items on my retirement bucket list got checked off last week.  I wanted to make a trip back to Texas where we had a lot of history. My husband was born and raised in Texas and I grew up there. We met, fell in love and married in Texas. Our parents were born and are buried there. It’s also where we spent the first 25 years of our married life, became parents and raised our daughters. It’s also where…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Test,  Trial

    Delayed Gratitude

    This week, I want to rejoice in a 3 year delay in celebrating our 50th anniversary on a cruise. We planned this cruise for 2021, but ships weren’t sailing at that time due to COVID. Our 50th was celebrated, just not as we had planned! We actually discovered a new favorite beach on Captiva Island, Florida that year! This year, for our 53rd anniversary, we made the cruise with several of our friends and had the best time. For me anticipation is half the fun! I love to plan ahead and wait for something to happen. But, I must say, the week we were to leave, a major winter storm…

  • Blessings,  General,  Great Blogs,  What I'm Reading

    Thanksgiving Blessings

    Next week I’ll conclude my two part post that began last week: Spiritual Game Changers Part 1. This week I just want to say how grateful I am that you read my musings as I process what God is teaching me and share some thanksgiving encouragement. Three things for finding gratitude: 1 This is a fabulous podcast to prepare your heart for this holiday of thanksgiving from LifeWay Women Marked: Finding the Courage to Celebrate. 2 This is an article I wrote for LifeWay Women recently and am sharing here again. Unpacking Gratitude in Scripture. 3 And this is a Bible study my life group just completed in preparation for…