Because He Came
After walking through advent season and looking forward to Jesus’ second return to earth, and having written a previous post, What If He Hadn’t Come, I was compelled to write this one. Because He DID come, we have been given an assignment. In my final week of Joy to the World (LifeWay Women), the focus was Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8: go and make disciples and teach them everything Jesus taught. We will be witnesses wherever He takes us. That is our purpose on earth. Whether we do that as employees, parents, siblings, neighbors, or ministers. Because He came, we are sent! Jesus came to bring salvation and His last words…
What If He Hadn’t Come?
Have you ever thought about that?: What if He hadn’t come to earth? Picture with me a world today without Jesus in your life.. Does it look bleak? Hopeless? Not worth living? Now, how does it feel knowing He did come? Hopeful, purposeful, bright even on dark days? Does your heart overflow with gratefulness? We just celebrated Jesus’ birth and are looking toward a new year, but let’s consider before we do, what if He hadn’t come. In week 2 study of the Joy to the World from LifeWay Women, I pondered this question. Immanuel, God With Us, did come, changing everything. It gave us not just joy, but unending joy. …
Where Are You Looking?
As I continued my study of Joy to the World from LifeWay Women, we looked at Simeon’s and Anna’s time with Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem. Imagine being in the temple night and day serving God and waiting for the Messiah. Both Anna and Simeon were looking for and recognized Jesus, the Messiah, as soon as they laid eyes on Him. They rejoiced and thanked God aa they worshiped Him. Simeon said to the Lord, Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace, as you promised. For my eyes have seen your salvation (Luke 2:29-30) Anna’s words are not recorded but scripture says, At that very moment, she…
Timing is Everything
I often write about waiting, and God’s timing not usually matching mine. But throughout scripture we see evidence that God always has a plan, and His plan is always perfectly timed. In Genesis 21, after waiting basically a life time desiring to become a mother, Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time God had told him (Genesis 21:2). The year was perfect for Isaac to be born. The next Israelite patriarch was born and it fit completely into God’s big redemption timeline. The timing for Isaiah’s vision of God seated on His throne was specific as well. God was calling…
More First of the Year Thoughts
How are you are at memorizing scripture? I remember when Beth Moore wrote the study, James: Mercy Triumphs. She challenged those who did the study to take the plunge and memorize, along with her, the entire book of James! I was in my late 50’s and thought, “there is NO way.” Well, there IS a way. Because I like an impossible challenge occasionally, I decided to try it. It took over a year to get it, but it happened. So don’t say you are “too old!” Since then, I have continued to memorize chunks of scripture. I was challenged, at the beginning of 2023, by the last part of my…
The Word on Waiting
As “waiting” has been on my heart, and in my advent study, I’ve also been working throuh a Melissa Spoelstra study on Isaiah. (Check the blog category for more on the topic of Waiting) Once again, the Lord has connected it all today as I was in Isaiah 49. The author’s focus was “we can trust God’s timing because He sent His Son, Jesus, just as He promised.” This message is very similar to what I’ve learned through the advent study, Our Hope Has Come! So, yes, Lord, I am listening while I’m waiting and waiting and waiting! I needed this reminder today and wanted to share some great waiting…
My Soul’s Longing
Something occurred to me recently regarding why I want others to know Jesus and why my heart for discipleship has been a calling now for about 40 years or so. Because it was quite a few years between my salvation and the first time someone personally discipled me and showed me how to grow in Christ, I do not want that to be the story for other new believers. Some days, even during difficult seasons, my time with the Lord just causes my soul to soar and all I can think is, “I so want others to experience this satisfying joy.” A joy that transcends earthly concerns and pain. The…